View Full Version : Plywood bowl

Cliff Newton
01-28-2004, 10:49 PM
I saw a website the other day showing someone who turned a bowl made out of several pieces of plywood that were laminated on top of each other. I lost the website. Anyone else seen this?

Would this type of bowl be useful in the kitchen, or is it for looks only?

Cliff Newton
02-10-2004, 1:12 PM
Found it. Here's a picture.

Richard Allen
02-10-2004, 3:29 PM
Depending on the finish this bowl could be used for whatever you like. All of that endgrain would benifet from a film finish. The bowl coudl be used for the same things that most baskets are used for. That is to hold "stuff". Not every bowl has to hold salad to be useful.
