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John Miliunas
01-28-2004, 8:07 PM
Well folks, she's 'bout there! Got it all put together yesterday evening and *only then*, finally decided that, "Hey, maybe I should test the motor!" Doh! Shore 'nuf; No workie! Grrrrrr..... :mad: So, I check all the connections and they're OK. Pull the cover off the cap and there is this yucky, icky looking crap all over! Fortunately, there was enough info still legible on it to find a near-replacement. Not quite the exact mf range, but according to Dr. Electric Motors, "close enough". Then I stopped at HD and actually found a double-pole switch! Back home, I cleaned up the cap housing and terminals and replaced it. She took right off! Wired in the switch and voilą: "Huston, we have ignition!" Then it dawned on me: "You moron. You were right there at HD. Why didn't you pick up an HVAC take-off to attach to the chip chute?!" OK, so that's for tomorrow. Pick one up, drill & tap some holes in the chute and I think I'm ready for business! I cleaned up the cutters that came with the poor thing and figure I'll try it with them. The buddy I got it from said, "...there's some more cutters out there somewhere, too and I'm welcome to them." So, maybe I'll stop out to the "shop in the woods" and see if I can scrounge those up, as well. In the meantime, LOML found a stock profile from W&H, which should work, if they can modify one end of it to be non-existent. I could probably do that myself, but I want to be sure they're exact and balanced to each other. I did chose to leave the stock paint on the main unit, though may go ahead and do that later. I do, however, want to wait until it gets warmer out and I can have some fresh air circulating! Anyhow, here are the picks. Thanks for taking a peek and all the info and encouragement along the way! :cool:

Tom Peterson
01-28-2004, 8:49 PM
that sure did clean up nicely. If you keep accumulating all of that stuff, you'll have to expand. I might get to your neck of the woods for business in about three weeks, I'll bring some wood to try all of your toys.

Jim Becker
01-28-2004, 8:59 PM
My, my...you look to be a natural at restoration! Maybe you should poke around in the "shop in the woods" to see what else you can come up with for machinery projects. Oh, yea...there is that woodworking thing to be done, too... :D

Seriously, nice job, John.

Bart Leetch
01-28-2004, 9:09 PM
Hi John

If you continue collecting tools you'll be like me a lot of tools & almost nowhere to work or you won't need anymore tools & there will still be enough room to work & you'll have to build something.

Chris Pasko
01-28-2004, 9:26 PM
Wow, that has turned out awesome, I would like to have one of them myself. Cant wait to see what you can make with it! Good work!

Bob Lasley
01-28-2004, 10:41 PM
Man, John, that don't even look like the same machine! You did a great job! Let' s make some chips.


Lloyd Robins
01-29-2004, 12:19 AM
An absolutely great job! Now you just need to make some wood chips fly.

Dennis Peacock
01-29-2004, 1:59 AM
Great job John!!!! Looks really good. Post some pics of the profiles when you get a piece cut.!!!! Nuttin' like chips in action. :)

Peter Stahl
01-29-2004, 7:15 AM
Looking good John! The only tools I ever find are the ones not worth fixin.


Tyler Howell
01-29-2004, 8:50 AM
I knew we made the right decission to have you do the rehab work on our machine . I can come over this weekend and help you make room for some of your other projects :D.
Nice to know that people that cheer for the Pack can be very talented too. ;)
Excellent Job.

Joe Breid
01-29-2004, 9:03 AM
Great Job!
It looks like a new machine.


Chris Padilla
01-29-2004, 11:24 AM
You're fibbing, John! Surely that isn't that same machine?? You went out and picked up a new one off the showroom floor, right?? Right???!!!

I see a lot of systainers in the shelf back there and what appears to be our favorite green/black brand of tool laying on top....


John Miliunas
01-29-2004, 11:32 AM
Thanks for all the kind words, folks! A fair amount of elbow grease, an appreciable amount of time spent and minimal expense. I think it will work just fine. I still think that, for safety sake, I'm going to bite the bullet and get a magnetic switch from Grizz. That toggle switch on the side is just too "iffy" and, if I should happen to forget to unplug the unit from the wall, way too easy to bump into it! Then again, I suppose I could save the $50.00 and just move the whole switch box to a more "inconvenient" spot! I'll see how it goes.

And Chris, the new machines are red! BUT, you are absolutely correct about the Systainers and our favorite green/black! I sure do wish Festool made bandsaws! Fact is, I've spoken to Christian (CEO at Festool) and they actually used to make some larger tools at one point! The decision was made to restrict themselves to the lines they currently have, in order to keep customer service and quality at the levels we see today. Their decision? Yeah, me thinks it was right!!! :cool:

Larry Browning
01-29-2004, 1:24 PM
That motor looks new! did you repaint it?


John Miliunas
01-29-2004, 1:30 PM
did you repaint it?


Yup! Me and my spray bomb of "Hammered Gray"! I even masked off the badge and stickers! :cool:

Robert Ducharme
01-29-2004, 1:34 PM
Do you want to come and work on my tractor? It also has some rusty spots, repainting needed, tire changes, labels required, polishing, engine rebuild, adjustments, windshield, weather cover, .....