View Full Version : Seeking input for bottle stopper display

Tim Beauregard
08-31-2007, 10:39 AM

I have been making bottle stoppers as Christmas gifts and want to give 2 to each recipient with a block to hold them on a countertop. Just seeking advice for the display block. What have others done? Length, width, thickness, and size of hole to drill. Would greatly appreciate input and ideas.

Tim B.

Harvey M. Taylor
08-31-2007, 1:32 PM
Hi Tim,not knowing whether you have cork, neoprene plated steel or stainless steel for the part that goes in the bottle, you would be the best one to determine the hole size, dont you think? as for the stand, well, any attractive piece of wood shined up and drilled should do the trick.Too many designs out there to guess which would fit your application.My best answer, Max

Brodie Brickey
08-31-2007, 5:23 PM

Get your favorite 2" thick piece of wood and cut an arc in it starting from the bottom and leaving the wood a 1/2" thick. You can cut this with a bandsaw and then smooth out. Drill as many holes as you want to hold the stoppers and you're all set, but for some finish.