View Full Version : Not fine woodworking but

Dave Dionne
08-31-2007, 9:08 AM
I helps fund my tool budget and pay our property taxes

This is designed to hide a septic vent pipe


This is my helper she and her mom love to paint which is great because I hate too


I can't keep up with these tables it is time to raise my prices I think


Thanks for looking hopefully I can post some cutting boards or pens soon.

Have a great holiday weekend


Rich Torino
08-31-2007, 9:33 AM
Real nice work Dave.. I've built a couple of Light Houses for friends similar in design to yours but always had trouble with the roof joints splitting after a few months outside. Could you share a little on constructing materials and techniques??

Irvin Cooper
08-31-2007, 9:34 AM
Great work, Dave. And a beautiful helping hand.

You say you have a lot of demand for the tables. Is this just word of mouth? I was building quite a few of a different style a few years ago. made the mistake of putting some out at the fair. Plenty of business, but I never could really make any money at it.

Again, excellent work. I love the details on the lighthouse.


Dave Dionne
08-31-2007, 10:41 AM
Hi Rich

As far as materials I just use outdoor rated sheet goods the roof and tower is cut on an angle but not mitered. When assembled it leaves a small gap between each piece that I filled with a dowel and pin the dowel in place. I run a small bead of silicone caulking down each side so it can move but not split. I have a few of them sold and have not had a complaint yet. I am careful to prime and paint both sides of the wood to prevent excess moisture from getting in.

No lights yet since this is made for septic vents(thinking exploding lighthouse) but I am working on a solar LED light with a capacitor that will ramp up flash bright then go dark and start again almost like a lighthouse blinking.

Thanks for looking Dave

Real nice work Dave.. I've built a couple of Light Houses for friends similar in design to yours but always had trouble with the roof joints splitting after a few months outside. Could you share a little on constructing materials and techniques??

Dave Dionne
08-31-2007, 10:43 AM
I put one outside changed to a tree, this year I ran a couple of ads on Craigslist and that brought me allot of business. I have got a system down so I can build a hexagon in about 3 hours maybe a little less on a good day. I can average about $30 an hour for shop time.

Thanks for looking


Great work, Dave. And a beautiful helping hand.

You say you have a lot of demand for the tables. Is this just word of mouth? I was building quite a few of a different style a few years ago. made the mistake of putting some out at the fair. Plenty of business, but I never could really make any money at it.

Again, excellent work. I love the details on the lighthouse.


Rich Torino
08-31-2007, 11:33 AM
thanks for the insite on building the roof... its makes a lot of sense especially since it works...

Greg Cuetara
08-31-2007, 10:11 PM
Do you have any plans you are willing to share for the lighthouse? Very good job on both the LH and the table.