View Full Version : My segmented vase

Ray Volkers
08-28-2007, 2:21 PM
Critique please! Tell me what you like about it. What you don't like. It is 9" tall. Wood is salvaged from a pallet. Ring is walnut, cherry & maple. Thanks for looking.



Bill Wyko
08-28-2007, 2:56 PM
Lookin good. The shape is a little different but will look very nice with the proper arrangement. Good job.:)

Bernie Weishapl
08-28-2007, 4:32 PM
Great looking vase Ray. Will look good with a dried flower arrangement. Well done.

Ray Volkers
08-29-2007, 9:47 AM
169 views and only 2 replies?? I really want you opinion please. Thanks

Malcolm Tibbetts
08-29-2007, 10:13 AM
Ray, your segmentation looks very good, but the shape doesn't work too well (at least for me). Mostly it's the bottom five rings and the additional profile change that they create. If your overall shape ended five rings up from the base, I think the shape would be much nicer. Try to imagine this as a solid black piece. Would this shape work? You obviously have the technical skills, now focus more on form.

Christopher K. Hartley
08-29-2007, 10:15 AM
Sorry Ray, I have been a bit hit and miss lately. I would really like to offer a critique as you requested but I need a bit larger pictures to do so. I can tell you I like the shape and contrast of light and dark wood. hearing it is from old pallets was an eye opener. I'm not at this point a segmented turner but am moving in that direction as well. Maybe some of the segmented guys could be of help, but they too will need bigger pics to really look at the detail. :)

I just saw the "Segmented Guys" statement I made. Wonder if that is anything like "Demented Guys"?:confused: :D :D

George Guadiane
08-29-2007, 10:18 AM
Ray, your segmentation looks very good, but the shape doesn't work too well (at least for me). Mostly it's the bottom five rings and the additional profile change that they create. If your overall shape ended five rings up from the base, I think the shape would be much nicer. Try to imagine this as a solid black piece. Would this shape work? You obviously have the technical skills, now focus more on form.
I think Malcolm said it all... It's difficult (for me) to talk about form, because it can be subjective, but the idea of seeing a piece as all black to judge the form is a good idea (that I will use) for determining the real form.

mike fuson
08-29-2007, 10:02 PM
Ray, as it has been said the form is a bit out of the ordinary, your joinery looks good but my main concern is it being made from pallets. Most pallets are made from green wood. If this is the case with your vessel then the joints stand a good chance for failing, I sure hope that doesn't happen. If it was an old pallet and had air dried for a good while then you might be alright. Hang in there you definetly have what it takes by the looks of your joints.

Richard Madison
08-29-2007, 10:36 PM
High praise from me for recycling some wood! I have a bunch of Brazilian mahogany from pallets of ceramic tile made there, waiting for the right segmented project. Have made some really nice stuff (IMHO) from oak and maple salvaged from pallets and shipping timbers. Keep up the good work.

Edit: Most pallets are used and dry by the time we get them, usually a lot of work to recover some usable wood but often worth the effort to save some good wood that would otherwise be burned or landfilled. Sometimes good to store salvaged pieces for a couple months before planing, resawing, or whatever.

Don Eddard
08-30-2007, 5:57 AM
Nice combination of woods, and it looks like your joinery is well done. Malcolm and the others hit upon the points I'd suggest regarding the form of your vase. I'd also suggest working harder to get the piece square in the frame of your photos. With a digital camera, it's pretty easy to go back and re-shoot any unacceptable pictures.

Ray Volkers
08-30-2007, 9:23 AM
Thank you all for your comments. I have looked at it critically a lot the last couple days. Tried to think about it as black etc. I still like it! Don't know what wood it is but I kinda like that also. I made it for my wife. She likes it too. I do intend to study 'form' for my next projects. I like to try different things. I don't want to just 'copy' other turners. Again, thanks.