View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
08-27-2007, 11:22 AM
Good Morning
27 Aug 2007

I don't know about you, but I'm way past ready for summer to be over!

The short and simple of it this week?
The LOML and LOML Jr have been out of state since last Tuesday due to a family funeral. I've been working a lot at the day job as well as taking care of the 3 boys.
No real grass to cut, too dry for my grass to grow enough to even think about needing cut. Garden is all burned up due to the heat and dry, but it's been a pretty good summer since the heat really didn't set in on us until very late July. Very unusual, but I'm glad it wasn't like the first summer we had when we firts moved here!!!! WOW...weeks in a row over 100+º!! We thought at that time that we had moved to...well....the center of the earth.

I'm oncall this week, so no shop time and nothing but work. The LOML and LOML Jr fly back tomorrow and us fellers can't wait until they get back home.

No woodworking for me, but sure wished I could.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all..!

Matt Meiser
08-27-2007, 11:59 AM
Very busy weekend with work around the house here. On Friday night I did all the plumbing rough-in for the master bath. On Saturday we went shopping for the tile installation "stuff" and then came home and I finished up the drywall, then went out to the shop. I got all the drawer fronts back on the cabinets, cleaned up, and got started on the mirror. Then on Sunday after church I got LOML started on priming all the bare spots then changed the oil in the cars, mowed the parts of the lawn that aren't underwater, and then painted the ceiling. My goal is to get all the tile installed by the end of next Monday, then grout one eveing next week so I can install the cabinets the following weekend.

Pat Zabrocki
08-27-2007, 12:00 PM
Works been killing me for longer than I care to share, but I finally got some shop time to work on a toy chest for my daughter. The running joke in the house has been that that this is a hope chest because by the time I get it done she won't be playing with toys. Anyway, she has always been facinated by the purple wood so its purpleheart and tiger maple. Its just dry fit right now. I'm taking vacation over labor day and my girlfriend is taking a "ladies only" trip so I think I can finish it up pretty soon. Here's some pics for now.


Ted Calver
08-27-2007, 12:12 PM
That is a mighty fine looking toy chest and the maple.....wow!! Better make it a convertible toy to hope chest.

Patrick Taylor
08-27-2007, 12:27 PM
Great chest Pat!

Dennis, I hosted two birthday parties for my 6 y.o. daughter (one family, one friends) and then finished getting my bandsaw together, Made a few cuts, turned a crappy bowl, trashed the bowl, and watched a movie with LOML. :)

Art Mulder
08-27-2007, 12:28 PM
(Pat, that is too nice for a toy chest! Unless your daughter is the type who is very very careful with her possessions!)



Finished off the toy marble racetrack I'm building, and wrote the first draft of the magazine (http://www.canadianhomeworkshop.com/home.shtml) article covering it.

On Sunday afternoon we went with several families from church to the beach at The Pinery (http://www.pinerypark.on.ca/freshwater_dunes.html) and had the best beach day I've had in years. The sun was out, it was hot without baking, there was a gentle breeze, and the water was 21c with waves approach 2-3feet. We all had a blast jumping in the surf, lounging on the sand, and visiting with folks.

Darn, is it Monday already?

Tyler Howell
08-27-2007, 2:10 PM
Another weekend in Paradise.
Went up to the lake place and played with the tractor. Broke some bread with a neighbor. Steaks & fresh walleye on the grill.
Creeker gather with Rick Schubert in town.
Relaxed, slept late, putzed in the garagemahall.
Made dinner for my lady friend back in the city.
Real nice weekend.;)

David DeCristoforo
08-27-2007, 3:19 PM
"...Better make it a convertible toy to hope chest..."

Not to worry...this is very easy to accomplish. Here's how:
1) Throw out toys...
2) Fill chest with "hope" related items.....

Piece of cake.....

Rick Gibson
08-27-2007, 3:43 PM
Went to a wedding on Saturday and Sunday afternoon and this morning I finished up the jewelry box I am making for my granddaughter. First of the Christmas presents done. It will actually not be finished until tomorrow. The wife is picking up some of those foam hair rollers which I will wrap in felt to go in the bottom drawer to hold rings. Cherry with shellac finish. The drawers are maple with cherry fronts. There is a bit of a groove at the top of the opening in each drawer you catch with your finger tip to pull the drawer out. The felt is actually dark green the digital camera picked it up as blue for some reason.

Fred Voorhees
08-27-2007, 4:37 PM
Busy weekend. Had possible plans to hit my weekly dirt track haunt. But that got the kobosh. Friday night, I had to dig out a few machines from the shop (planer-chop saw-portable compressor and nail guns and a few other things) in preparation for another work detail at out sons and his wifes home in preparation for their upcoming "moving in". Wasn't going to go out there at all this weekend, but the wife called while I was on my way home from work on Friday and asked a "big favor":rolleyes: - if I could come out on Saturday to put up some window and door trim, as well as baseboard trim in a room or two.

Had numerous plans for Saturday that the work detail cut off, including replacing a battery terminal clamp on my pickup that has gotten loose and was causing corrosion and the occasional no start situation. Had plans to continue a small end table project and begin another project - both gifts for the next door lady and her daughter, as well as cut the grass and a few other things that have been put on the back burner since we have been working at our sons for the past few weekends.

Got home Saturday and after such a devastatingly hot day, I was not up for hitting the races and decided to have a few guys over to watch the NASCAR races from Bristol in the comfort of my air conditioned bar room. They sprung for the pizza.

Sunday morning I finally got to the grass which was monster high, replaced the clamp on my battery, put my shop stuff away from the day before and spent some time just relaxing.

Bill Wyko
08-27-2007, 5:37 PM
Well, this weekend I started building a double double, box jointed jewelry box I was commissioned to build. It's made of Quilted Maple, Bloodwood and Walnut. Once it's done I'll post pics.:)

Ed Breen
08-27-2007, 6:05 PM
Had a nice Sunday breakfast and visit with creekers Nancy and David Laird as they came through town. Spent most of the weekend doing ground chores and only went into the shop to warm up. (HaHa) Looks like we'll be getting another dog, hard to have an empty nest syndrome when there are so many dogs on the compound. At last count an english mastiff, a great dane, a rat terrier, a pug, a lab, and another one coming soon WoWee!!
:eek: :eek:

David LaRue
08-27-2007, 9:14 PM
Been working on the fireplace mantel project. Making progress... :D

Al Willits
08-28-2007, 8:53 AM
Well, the last couple of weeks have not been what I'd call enjoyable, first the tree fell on the wife's car and totaled it...oh, took out the roof and siding on one side of the house and did about 3k worth of damage to my truck.
Then got to play lumberjack and help clean all that up in hot humid weather, seems while this is all going on, Beasty left the truck outside the gate and forgot to lock it.
I now get to replace the stolen Alpine and speakers, least they were neat about it....continuing on, we discover the running water we hear is the water heater, it decides life is to much to bear and self destructs, installed a new one and things looking up....er....kinda.

After last nights storm woke up to find the tree in front of the house isn't windproof and half of it is laying across the front yard.

Only good part of the weekend is I got the brick molding done on the one new window, got it primed and will paint it, if the darn trees will stop self destructing.


Matt Meiser
08-28-2007, 9:52 AM
Al, look on the bright side--pretty soon you won't have any trees left to fall on anything. :rolleyes: Seriously, you are having a run of bad luck lately and things have got to turn around soon.

Al Willits
08-28-2007, 2:22 PM
Al, look on the bright side--pretty soon you won't have any trees left to fall on anything. :rolleyes: Seriously, you are having a run of bad luck lately and things have got to turn around soon.

Thank goodness my name ain't Johnny Appleseed, at the rate trees are falling here, I'll put the rain forest problen to shame...:D

Al...who shoulda been a turner with all the chunks of trees here.:)

jeremy levine
08-28-2007, 2:39 PM
Found that we have a mouse ( as it turns out mice) in the house.
-Spent a lot of time cleaning in/under cabinets, dishwasher and stove.
-Then filling cracks in the walls behind the above list.
- Setting traps
- Contemplating the infinite number of ways they can get from my garage into the walls of the house. :mad::mad::mad::confused:

Nancy Laird
08-28-2007, 6:34 PM
It's Tuesday afternoon, we are in Memphis, and finally back on-line after some issues with the laptop. Actually Dell came through in about 15 minutes after ZERO time on hold---just had to punch a bunch of numbers on the phone.

Weekend: we spent Friday night in Elk City, OK, after leaving home that morning; got to Muskogee to SIL's house on Saturday, after a meandering drive across Oklahoma and finding a couple of (closed) wood shops. Called Ed Breen (see his post) and made arrangements to have breakfast with him--then went to his house to see that he has made absolutely no progress on cleaning up the shop since I was there in March :D ; in fact, I think he's added stuff to the mix!!

Then left Muskogee on Monday morning, arrived in Conway yesterday afternoon after another meandering drive across Arkansas on the "blue" roads, and a Creeker visit with Dennis Peacock, Mark Cothren, and Joe Meazle last night at Dennis' house. (I think Mark has a picture to post about Dennis' work!)

Now we are in Memphis after yet another meandering drive, and we'll be on the road again in a while to visit with Keith Burns. I'll post pictures, as soon as I find my camera cable to download the pics from my camera.

A visit with the family starts tomorrow, and we'll be heading back to the west next Sunday.

Nancy (115 days!!)

glenn bradley
08-28-2007, 8:06 PM
Well, the last couple of weeks have not been what I'd call enjoyable, first the tree fell on the wife's car and totaled it...oh, took out the roof and siding on one side of the house and did about 3k worth of damage to my truck.
Then got to play lumberjack and help clean all that up in hot humid weather, seems while this is all going on, Beasty left the truck outside the gate and forgot to lock it.
I now get to replace the stolen Alpine and speakers, least they were neat about it....continuing on, we discover the running water we hear is the water heater, it decides life is to much to bear and self destructs, installed a new one and things looking up....er....kinda.

After last nights storm woke up to find the tree in front of the house isn't windproof and half of it is laying across the front yard.

Only good part of the weekend is I got the brick molding done on the one new window, got it primed and will paint it, if the darn trees will stop self destructing.


My sincere condolences on your run of bad luck. Life is stranger than fiction. You know, you just can't make this stuff up.