View Full Version : Best glue for pen making

Bob Weisner
01-27-2004, 11:01 AM

What would be the best glue to use for making pens? I was looking at some polyurethane glue made by titebond and was wondering if that glue would be ok to use.



Kent Cori
01-27-2004, 11:20 AM

I've tried the polyurethane glue (Gorilla Glue) with very mixed results. It worked well on some blanks but didn't bond the tubes to others. It also requires overnight curing and the excess foaming can cause a mess.

I prefer the thick flexible CA glue. The best I have found is from Berea Hardwoods. It seems to have the best shelf life IMHO but the other vendors also sell a similar product. All cure in the matter of a few minutes although longer (overnight) is better.

I don't work for Berea or any other vendor so this is just my 2¢ worth.

Noah Alkinburgh
01-27-2004, 11:40 AM

I use Gorilla glue for all of mine (poly). You have to make sure you rough up the brass tube with some 150 or so sandpaper. It works very well for me. If you are using a pen mill no need to worry about the foaming. I just take a pen knife and scrape it off personally. It does need to sit over night or you could probably glue up in the morning and turn that evening. I have even glued antler with it successfully. For alternate materials such as corian and AA you will need to use the CA or Epoxy.

The nice thing about poly is you have a longer open time. Sometimes those little brass tubes just don't want to go where they are supposed too:) The other thing is that it does have some gap filling ability as well.

One other thing, buy the small bottle of glue. It will make alot of pens. Also I have heard mixed review on the Titebond poly for pens, but generally all positive on the gorrila glue positive. I have used both types of glue and do not see a differance. So you can take that as you wish.


Dennis Peacock
01-27-2004, 11:41 AM
I have used Gorilla Glue with VERY good results.

I have used 5 minute epoxy with good results.

I don't work fast enough to use super glue.

Ken Salisbury
01-27-2004, 11:58 AM

What would be the best glue to use for making pens? I was looking at some polyurethane glue made by titebond and was wondering if that glue would be ok to use.


I use Titebond Polyurethane on most woods and gel CA glue on corian and acrylic acetate pens. It is important in either of these applications to rough up the blanks (I use 120 grit paper to do that).

Roger Fitzsimonds
01-27-2004, 12:55 PM
Hi Bob,

I use Gorilla glue if I am doing a bunch ahead of time. I wet the inside of the blank with a q-tip just incase it needed it. If I am doing a pen right now I use medium CA glue.


Kevin Gerstenecker
01-27-2004, 2:46 PM
I'll throw in my 2 cents here too. I use Polyurethane Glue for all my Pen Blanks. Gorilla is what I have, so that is what I use. I have turned blanks as soon as 4 hours after gluing with Gorilla Glue, and I haven't lost a patient yet! :p I do prefer to let the blanks sit overnight however, just to be sure the glue sets. What I do is scuff the outside of the tubes with 120 or 150 grit paper, take a Q Tip and wet the inside of the blank, and insert the tube that has been spread with glue. Seein's how Poly glue is supposed to like moisture to cure, this is what I do. I have done them wet and dry, and see no difference, but I am in the habit of wetting the blanks, so that is my normal routine. I have turned Pens from many so-called difficult to glue Exotic Woods, and have never had a problem yet. I have not tried CA for wood blanks...............I just don't like the idea of soaking my fingers in Acetone to get the blank loose! :D

Scott Greaves
01-27-2004, 3:24 PM
I'm also a polyurethane user! I do it almost exactly the way Kevin does, only I apply the glue to the inside of the hole in the blank, instead of to the brass tube. I use epoxy for plastics. Good Luck!
