View Full Version : A buch of projects finished and a quick question

Dave Williams
08-25-2007, 2:00 PM
I've just finished up a whole bunch of projects, which is good because I leave for college tomrrow! These are also the first projects that i have done for profit as well, and both the customers and I were pleased the out come.

The first was a carved cherry folding book stand, i didn't want to stain it, but then i'm not the one buying it.

The same person also ordered this large Celtic High Cross, carved out of white pine and then stained.

Then stained

I'm not quite finished with this last one the last coat of poly is drying as I write this, it's been stained as well but I don't have pictures yet.

The vales inside

Brass nozzle that I made

Just have the leather hinge and bladder to put on it, slide on the nozzle and it's done.

All of this brings me to my question, as i'm heading off to college tomrrow, is there any thing more that i can do to protect my tools while i'm away? I've built a large tool chest to put them and put in several silca gel packs, removed all traces of rust and oiled them as well. Is there any thing else i should do? Your advise would be greatly appreciated!


Terry Bigelow
08-25-2007, 2:03 PM
Wow, looks tedious to say the least! Very nice work. What tools did you use? How long did you spend per piece?

Dave Williams
08-25-2007, 3:02 PM
Thanks! for the book stand and cross i used # 3, 4, 6 gouges, # 1, 2, 3 skew chisels, a spoon chisel, and some others that are not marked that i got from a patternmaker friend of my father. wish i had a thumb router, would have made it alot easier! For the Bellows i used my chip carving knives, #1, 2 and #9 Pfeils. As for time, i guess i spent about 14 hours carving the book stand, 30 hrs on the cross and an hour carving the bellows.

Don Pierson
08-25-2007, 3:10 PM
Put the same effort into college as shown in your woodworking and you will do very well. College is more about learning how to learn than what you learn and that will serve you well the rest of your life.

Jude Kingery
08-25-2007, 3:24 PM
Hey Dave,

Very nice carving work! You'd asked about anything else for tools and I do not know if this suggestion would work for you or not, but I know my husband's hunting rifles - generally - the rust preventative is cosmoline for new fire arms. Apparently difficult to clean off, but very effective for storage. Just a thought of something you might check. Best wishes to you for such a good time in college. What're you majoring in? We sure enjoyed our college years! Safe travels and good times! Jude