View Full Version : The Texas 2 step.....or the Interstate waltz?

Ken Fitzgerald
08-24-2007, 10:37 PM
I ended up with a bunch of wood on my back step. There was some Arky spalted silver poplar....some beautiful Arky walnut.......Quite a variety of wood from my trip to Houston. Luckily for me....my youngest son was driving home to deliver a family heirloom to his older brother so he brought my Houston stash home......Then when I visited Arky land last month...Dennis very generously gifted me.....Luckily my oldest son drove back to Illinois as I'm not sure how the TSA would view wood in your baggage when you are flying....So my two sons bailed their old man out....(they'd probably say "AGAIN")...Then a new turner borrowed my grinding wheel tool for the wolverine jig system..and left a piece of Idaho "dunno" wood.....So tonight I'm looking at a roughed out and dryed Bradford pear bowl given to me by Cecil Arnold.....Hmmmmmmmmmm.....Doggone that's a pretty piece of wood....So Cecil roughed and dryed it.....

And a one and a two...........:D

Allen Neighbors
08-25-2007, 12:25 AM
It's the interstate waltz, you lucky guy. :)
Have fun!

Chip Sutherland
08-25-2007, 9:17 AM
TSA didn't care that I brought a 9x9x5 piece of Ambrosia Maple in my carryon back to Dallas from Cerritos, CA. All they did was scan the bag and I was on my merry way. Go figure. I expected to get detected, inspected....

Ken Fitzgerald
08-25-2007, 10:04 AM
Actually.......My wife.....I lover her......but.....it's the joke of the family...she'll bring back anything in her bag when we travel by air. Live plants, silverware, groceries, morrell mushrooms, frozen walleye fillets....