View Full Version : Tool haunts in Seattle area?

Allan Brown
08-24-2007, 12:31 AM
I just flew in to Seattle today on a few days' vacation and was wondering if anyone could recommend some good places to visit for old handtools. I was at Fremont flea market last year, but can't remember if there are old tools there. Besides flea markets, any advice on small mom & pop shops would be welcome.

Greg Koch
08-24-2007, 1:07 AM

Hardwicks is a must....


Dan Clark
08-24-2007, 3:22 PM
Hardwicks is a must see. In case you didn't catch the address:

4214 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

They're in the U district.


Paul Snowden
08-24-2007, 6:10 PM
Maybe you guys could give a location for here in Portland.

Allan Brown
08-24-2007, 8:12 PM
Thanks for the Hardwicks tip - got a great deal on Nicholson #49 hand-cut rasp, handles, cleaner, etc. There's a good chance I may go Portland (if for no other reason than Steve Knight may have my panel-raiser ready to pick up! A few tips on small shops, flea markets, etc. would be welcome.

I really appreciate the help you folks are so ready to offer.