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View Full Version : Kudos to Burleson Star and Ft. Worth Woodcraft!!!!!

Jerry Stringer
01-26-2004, 12:46 AM
WOW! I don't check the forums for 24 hours and when I do it takes over an hour to read all the new messages!!!

Well Saturday morning started out with me reading a 1/2 page article (with photo) on the FRONT page of our hometown newspaper, the Burleson Star . . . plus it was continued on page 11 with another photo!!! They did a great job . . . I just wish the photos could have made me look a little younger!

Then it was off to the Fort Worth Woodcraft store for pen turning demos. This was my first time for doing a demo and the manager told me that it would probably last an hour or so. Chris, one of the employees, and I started talking and turning about 12:30pm. It was constant people until 5:30pm!!!

I had taken my own wood blanks out of mesquite and redheart, but Ray, the manager, told me to take whatever kits we needed off of the display and use them. I only turned 7 pens but quickly learned that it' s a lot slower when you have to explain everything you are doing, let everyone touch, and answer questions. Chris turned two beautiful cigar pens and another employee donated a gorgeous dymondwood pen that he had made. All of the pens will go to Freedom Pens.

I took a flyer along and Judy, the Assistant Manager, displayed it prominently on a clear plastic box where customers could buy supplies and put them in the box. I don't know what all was donated, but the box was well on its way to being filled at the end of the day! I left them all there so that the box was showing some activity. I'll pick it up in the next couple of days.

I gotta tell you about the touching moment of the day . . .

I told everyone who came by they could write a short note to a soldier on a 3x5 card and put it with the pen. I assured them I would package the card with the pen when it was shipped. One mother bought two kits to donate, one from each of her daughters (age 5 and 6). She wrote notes on 2 separate cards and had each daughter sign it. It brought a lump to my throat to watch those two young girls put the effort that they did into perfectly printing their names on those cards! I just thought about what the soldier was going to feel when he or she read the note!

Thanks, Woodcraft, for letting me be there!


Aaron Koehl
01-26-2004, 1:24 AM
That's absolutely wonderful, Jerry!
