View Full Version : 3 More Feather Pens

Shane Whitlock
08-19-2007, 1:56 AM
I cast 3 more feather pens today. Getting a little better with each one, well except for maybe the last (right) one. Was gettin creative on that one and I'm not sure if I like the results, it's suppose to resemble a Black Ghost Streamer like the one picture below.

Left is Grizzly, middle is Barred Ginger, and the right is black hackle (kinda hard to tell they are feathers in the pic) wrapped with gold foil, and 2 yellow and 2 white feathers. I think if I try a Black Ghost again I will wrap the foil over the white and yellow feathers too to help hold them in place better.


Ignore the quality of the fly, I tied it more than 20 years ago when I was just learning to tie flies and held on to it.


Thanks for looking ...

Comments/Critiques always welcome,

Shane Whitlock

Horst Hohoff
08-19-2007, 2:51 AM
Hello Shane,
All 3 pens are excellent work! But for me one of them is outstanding: the one on the right! It's hard to put into words what makes it so, but I think it's the fact that there are just 4 feathers. I don't know, what kind of problems you have with it, but if they become overpowering, just send the pen to me.

paul ashman
08-19-2007, 8:34 AM
Same here,
Words just don't cut it. These are the most beautiful and unique pens I have ever seen. I could imagine them in an Orvis shop with a $500 price tag!

Grant Wilkinson
08-19-2007, 8:49 AM
I'm with the others, Shane. While all are beautiful; I prefer the right-hand one. I guess that you lean to the others because you know what you were trying to accomplish. We all fall for that, I think.

Tim Malyszko
08-19-2007, 8:56 AM
I could imagine them in an Orvis shop with a $500 price tag!

The uniqueness and beauty of your pens are amazing. I would be really curious as to how much one would pay for such a wonderful pen.

Excellent work.

Keith Burns
08-19-2007, 10:19 AM
Shane, I have to agree with the others. While they are all fabulous, the one on the right takes the prise!!!!

Patrick Taylor
08-19-2007, 10:45 AM
The uniqueness and beauty of your pens are amazing. I would be really curious as to how much one would pay for such a wonderful pen.

Excellent work.

Tim, Pen pricing is a bit of black magic... if you want to see typical pricing practices go to penturners.org and search the forums for pricing. Also you can go the members online stores to see prices for actual sale items.

Curt Fuller
08-19-2007, 11:15 AM
Shane these feather pens are absolutely amazing! I think you've really opened a new door on unique pens. If you should happen to make it to the next turning meeting please bring some along. You're photo skills are amazing too!

Steve Schlumpf
08-19-2007, 12:18 PM
Amazing work Shane!

Like the others - the pen on the right really stands out! I think it is because you can actually tell that they are feathers! On other pens you would have to tell me you used feathers as all I see with my untrained eye are very beautiful patterns! Very nice and unique work! Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with!

Oh, before I forget - absolutely beautiful photography!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
08-19-2007, 12:39 PM
Let's see.......photographer.....turner....inventor..... .How can one man wear so many hats?..........But he sure does a good job of it!

Shane the pens are fabulous....the one on the right....People are going to look at it and wonder....How'd he do that?

Very well done!

Ernie Kuhn
08-19-2007, 1:11 PM
Count me in with everyone else. All of them excellent, one on the far right, absolutely exquisite! Perhaps because it is more easily recognizable as being feathers.
Think you have definitely found a "niche". Want to see more! These are right up there in the "collector" pen category. Congratulations.

Dennis Peacock
08-19-2007, 1:31 PM
Yup...they're all drop-dead-gorgeous....the far right pen is my pick of the litter. Beautifully done. :cool:

Shane Whitlock
08-19-2007, 1:43 PM
Thanks for all the great comments everyone, I appreciate them [:D]
Seems like the right one is pretty much everyones favorite. I am very pleased at how well you can see the feathers and the colors are much brighter than I thought they would be. The reason I am not real happy with it is because of the way the yellow and white feathers lay and the casting. I used thin CA to hold the feathers in place and didn't get them very straight, they where pretty beat up from sitting in my fly tying gear for to many years. You can also see the CA glue through the casting which also trapped a few tiny bubbles. I had a brain storm last night and come up with a few other ways to do it. I will try it out this week and post my results.

Thanks again for the comments...
Happy Turning,

Bernie Weishapl
08-19-2007, 3:24 PM
Beautiful pens Shane. The right is my favorite also.

Marvin Hasenak
08-19-2007, 4:02 PM
Those are some beautiful pens, I love the idea of using the feathers that way.

Been years since my fly fishing and tying days, but I seem to remember the name Whitlock as a pretty well know innovator of new flys and ideas, any chance that being you or a relative.


Paul Heely
08-19-2007, 5:11 PM
Gorgeous pens Shane. You're almost making me regret that I just sold off all my tying stuff. Can't wait to see more.

Pat Doble
08-19-2007, 5:12 PM
Wow, great pens Shane. As with everyone else, the one on the right is my favorite - more individual feather definition with just the 4 feathers.
Outstanding work as usual.

Ian Welford
08-19-2007, 5:57 PM
Truly inspiring. I guess you turn the inner then attach the feathers and cast over the top with resin? Or am I missing something????

How do you hold the resin to get an even coating all round? Do you polish up with micromesh or tooth polish grade?

Whatever you do do it's a fantastic job!


Jeffrey Fusaro
08-20-2007, 6:16 AM

awesome pens! can't wait to see what you come up with next!

thanks for the previous post on casting the blanks, too. that was good reading.

thanks for sharing.