View Full Version : Lumber Cart

Brent Dowell
08-19-2007, 12:12 AM
So, I've recently moved, and I used to be able to dedicate a couple bays of a 3 car garage to my woodworking addiction.

The new place only has about 1/2 the space, and I need to share that with a 1946 chevy 4 door fleetmaster, in a really limited state of restoration.

I've got several projects that I need to get started on, and the problem is that with the lumber that I have, I just don't have room. Some of the lumber was recently delivered, and some I've had for a very long time, stored vertically on edge, which, as you know, tends to make the wood warp.

So today, I did something about it. I built a cart that would hold my hardwood lumber as well as my sheet goods.

Another requirement is that I need to be able to move the '46 back into the garage, when required.

Here's what i came up with...



I'm pretty happy right now. Might have to go get a few more casters, but the ones I've got are cast iron with rubber wheels... Moves a heck of a lot easier than the 46'...

Don Bullock
08-19-2007, 12:24 AM
Brent, that looks like a great solution to your problem. If you need a place to store the '46 after it's restored just let me know. I'll be glad to make room for it.;) :D

Brent Dowell
08-19-2007, 12:35 AM

It's funny, my wife's father bought the 46 brand new right after he came back from the war. He drove it for many years, until the 70's when it got parked in the driveway. At some point, my wife and her brothers took it 'mostly' apart. When I got it 10 years ago, the engine block had been stuck in the trunk, and it mostly served as a home to wayward feral felines...

I stripped it down to the frame, got the desert concrete (sand and tar) off the frame, got the body dipped, stripped, and primed. Right now, I've got an engine in it that runs (well at least, 5 years ago), brakes that work. All I need is to get the steering and transmission linkage installed, and I can probably get it driving...

That, and a new shop where I can paint it would help a lot!

Jim C Bradley
08-19-2007, 12:35 AM
Hi Brent,

Thanks for the post. It is very timely. I am at the point where I need to build something and your's looks great.

I am also at the 1 3/4 car garage exclusively for wood. When emptied of vehicles I can also lay out sheets of ply and mdf to work on them. However, lumber storage is a real pain in the posterior at this time. So thanks again for the thread.



Brent Dowell
08-19-2007, 12:39 AM
I forgot to mention, this was all put together out of scrap 2x4's and 4x4 I had laying around. I'm not sure why I had so much, but I didn't even really dent my collection of dimensional softwoods.

I did have to run to the hardware store and buy a bunch of carriage bolts, but the contraption seems to be holding up pretty well...

Jim C Bradley
11-17-2007, 12:18 AM
Hi Brent,

I know I am slow but I am finally ready to build the lumber rack you showed in your 8-18-07 thread. I am new enough at the WW to still want a security blanket. If you have, and if you want to, could you send me the rough dimensions or the SketchUp file?


I have looked at many racks and this one seems to be the best for me. It is well thought out, simple, rugged, etc.

