View Full Version : Got My Mojo Back

Frank Kobilsek
08-17-2007, 9:20 AM
I have only turned once since the weekend before the Fourth of July. Work stuff and family stuff have had me out of town or otherwise not enjoying myself in the garage. On my birthday 7-23 my wife understanding the growing central nervous system problem that was developing sent me to the garage and I couldn't even make a Roughing gouge work. So flash to this week, I have a brother-in law and his two boys living at our house until thier new place is ready (only 2 weeks more). I decided the boys could cut the grass and after brief training I headed to the shop.

Here is the result. Its a Cherry Burl from Bill at the apparently defunct Penns Wood. About 6" Dia by 4" tall. Boy I miss that guy. It full of holes, bark inclusions and cracks. Sorry this is the only picture as my battery died in the camera this morning. Heavily drenched with Antique Oil. Mildly hand buff with paper towel.

School starts on Tuesday next week so I be a bachelor again and will have more time in the shop. Its good to know I can still turn.


Alex Cam
08-17-2007, 9:23 AM
Lookin' good, Frank. I feel your pain at being away from the shop. It's no way to live!

Pat Salter
08-17-2007, 9:52 AM
ISorry this is the only picture as my battery died in the camera this morning. Heavily drenched with Antique Oil.

yeah, drenching your camera in Antique Oil will drain the battery pretty fast :D
sorry, couldn't pass that one up. Nice piece/shape.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-17-2007, 9:54 AM
Nice HF Frank!

08-17-2007, 2:31 PM
Nice piece, now let's see that mesquite and other stuff I sent you!!!

Steve Schlumpf
08-17-2007, 3:38 PM
Very nice hollow form Frank! Glad to see you posting again!

Frank Kobilsek
08-17-2007, 3:42 PM
Thanks Guys, I got another week or so then life will be normal work and shop time. It supposed to rain all weekend so maybe I will get some time in Sunday. Pat, you are right about oil and camera. Got in a hurry and didn't re-read that.


Christopher K. Hartley
08-17-2007, 9:47 PM
I'm pullin for ya Frank. I do now what being away feels like. Great piece by the way!!:)

Mike A. Smith
08-17-2007, 10:30 PM
Its good to know I can still turn.

That you definitely can, my friend! Nice piece.