View Full Version : Tool Gloat-captured HF rig w/laser

Chip Sutherland
08-17-2007, 12:45 AM
I finally pulled the trigger on a captured HF rig with laser. Took saving up from gifts from 2 birthdays, 2 father's day and Christmas to squirrel away a few bucks. Did I mention that I have a teenage daughter with an appetite for spending money.

Thanks to this forum and several other discussion forums and blogs on hollowing rigs. I did months of reading and indecision. It was a difficult choice since I didn't have direct access to use the many models marketed. In the end I went with Monster Lathe Tools setup.

HF turning hasn't been very enjoyable lately. I made several mistakes to the tune of about $60 bucks of ruined wood but in terms of the pieces I ruined, the revenue loss was probably closer to $300 or so. Physically, hollowing was a drag with hours leaning over a lathe not to mention the beating my hands, fingers, wrists, elbow took doing HF freehand.

I'll try to report back the outcome and what I learned along the way.

The fit and finish of the components is just great. You can judge for yourself about the plethora of various attachments. I opted for the extra tool handle. The purchase experience was first-rate, very accommodating with zero problems.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-17-2007, 12:48 AM
Congrats Chip! I've only used mine on 2 projects but it's a joy to use and takes a lot of the guess work out of turning HFs.

What flavor is that?

Patrick Taylor
08-17-2007, 12:49 AM
Awesome gloat Chip! I love my recently purchased monster system too. Someday I'll upgrade to a captured system as well. Looks like your holiday patience payed off. Stick with that hollowing and I look forward to seeing your great work. :)

Bill Wyko
08-17-2007, 1:06 AM
OH BOY! It's on now I'd say. Congradulstions. That looks like one nice setup.:D

Bob Hallowell
08-17-2007, 7:50 AM
I think you will love your monster. I love mine!


Jim Becker
08-17-2007, 8:29 AM
Congratulations, Chip. You'll really enjoy working with a captive system!

Steve Schlumpf
08-17-2007, 8:42 AM
Congrats Chip!!! Looks like we got the same system! Just got mine a week ago and have only been able to try it out once. It sure is a dream to use! Once I get my camera back from repair I hope to have something hollowed to post. Have fun with it! I am still amazed at the quality of the system - Randy does beautiful work!!!

Keith Beck
08-17-2007, 9:49 AM
Did I mention that I have a teenage daughter with an appetite for spending money. Chip,

Don't all teenage daughters? She's definitely not unique in that aspect...:D
