View Full Version : Visit from a Creeker...

Jim Becker
01-24-2004, 9:02 PM
SMC member Chris Pasko visited this morning, ostensibly to pick up the OneWay lathe but for some good conversation, too. Chris is also a member of the Mini Max crowd having recently purchased a CU300 combo machine...gotta like that! :D

Glenn Clabo
01-24-2004, 9:07 PM
How come every picture includes the USS Becker? :D

Julie Wright
01-24-2004, 9:13 PM
Its so cold in the shop they use it to hold themselves up.

Jim Becker
01-24-2004, 9:15 PM
How come every picture includes the USS Becker?

Well, I really should call it the USS Evans since that's LOML's last name and she's the boss (!)...but in answer to your question, it's too cold outside for pics and that spot is "just right" for getting a good shot using the tripod and timer.

Todd Burch
01-24-2004, 9:45 PM
I make, errrr... have my wife take the pictures!

Mike Mastin
01-24-2004, 10:49 PM
How come every picture includes the USS Becker? :D

Glenn you crack me up :-)

Chris Pasko
01-24-2004, 11:21 PM
Great meeting another board member! Seems that every time I go to a board members house I end up buying something, no matter what board!

Thanks again for the lathe Jim, I have been moving stuff all day moving that tank! Can't wait to make some chips!

BTW USS Becker is awesome! :D

Jim Becker
01-24-2004, 11:51 PM
Its so cold in the shop they use it to hold themselves up.

Now, Julie...I had it up to a balmy 60 all day long!

John Miliunas
01-24-2004, 11:53 PM
Well, I really should call it the USS Evans since that's LOML's last name and she's the boss (!)...but in answer to your question, it's too cold outside for pics and that spot is "just right" for getting a good shot using the tripod and timer.

Well, if she's the boss, you got yourself one heckuva' a super employer, my friend! Hey, with all this high-end iron in your "wife's shop", how about seeing if she'd spring a Hot Dawg in there for 'ya?! :D You could easily justify that to her, as she could then get a whole lot more work outta' you! :D

Hey, shouldn't we be seeing pics of the Stubby or did I miss that? :cool:

Jim Becker
01-25-2004, 12:01 AM
Hey, with all this high-end iron in your "wife's shop", how about seeing if she'd spring a Hot Dawg in there for 'ya?!

'Thought about it, but there is no natural gas to the building and given there will be a real HVAC system put in when I get the upstairs finished...it remains a thought. Dealing with a flue would also be a real pain, at least right now.

Hey, shouldn't we be seeing pics of the Stubby or did I miss that?

Tomorrow night. I haven't had time to "retouch" the pics...and tomorrow during the day I plan on breaking it in... :D

John Miliunas
01-25-2004, 12:26 AM
'Thought about it, but there is no natural gas to the building and given there will be a real HVAC system put in when I get the upstairs finished...it remains a thought. Dealing with a flue would also be a real pain, at least right now.

Ahhh, but that's the beauty of the Hot Dawg (or similar units); A) You can get it in LP version and just plant a smaller tank outside for it. I got a seperate one (250 gal. cap.) for mine, so that I'm not "stealing" from the bigger unit used for the house. B) I'm not sure if they all are (though I think so), but the Hot Dawg is an 80% efficiency unit with a blower exhaust. That translates into "B-vent" exhaust pipe, pretty much in any direction but straight down! Hence, you can go straight out the side of any wall and not worry about poking holes in your roof. It took two of us about two hours to install when all was said and done. Something to think about..... :cool:

Bart Leetch
01-25-2004, 1:32 AM
Tweet Tweet Tweeeeeeeet Admiral wood chip fleet arriving.

Heck with the USS Becker you don't need an anchor it'll anchor its self.

Jim Becker
01-25-2004, 10:00 AM
Heck with the USS Becker you don't need an anchor it'll anchor its self.

It's 3º outside this morning and the shop is at 32º...I have two of my radient units pointed right at that hunk of iron and steel "as we speak"...might as well get good use of it even when it's not making chips. Hmmm...maybe I could install some kind of heating element under the beds and make it into a radiator, too...<G>