View Full Version : Need advice on building router cabinet under pm2000

Josh LaFrance
08-13-2007, 11:22 AM
I'm looking to build a router table and storage cabinet into the extension table on my PM2000. While the cabinet is pretty strait forward the problem I am wondering about is supporting it from the floor. Since when raising the saw on the casters lifts the entire saw about 1/4+ inch, how do I make sure that I have the cabinet supported at all times? I don't really want 200#'s of cabinet and stuff hanging from my rails. I was figuring on using casters under the cabinet but I just can't figure out how to deal with the height change. Any pictures you guys have of your extension table cabinets would be helpful also.
Thanks, Josh

Jim Becker
08-13-2007, 11:45 AM
Can't you just extend some support to the mobile base, itself? That should provide more than enough intermediate attention to the extra weight of the router and cabinet...even one leg would do it.

Tom Henderson2
08-13-2007, 12:35 PM
I was thinking the same thing when I realized that the PM2k doesn't need a mobile base...

Jim Becker
08-13-2007, 12:39 PM
Got ya...um...how about angled braces back to the cabinet. But realistically, a fence system that is more than about 30" usually has legs which should generally provide enough support for the additions to the extension table top when the unit is stationary. Perhaps a leg with a caster that can be extended down during moving the machine will work.

Josh LaFrance
08-13-2007, 12:55 PM
That basically what I''m trying to figure. How to deal with needing small adjustments in caster height when moving the saw.

Chuck Lenz
08-13-2007, 2:19 PM
You may just have to build a whole new moble base for it all.

Noah Katz
08-13-2007, 3:00 PM
"I don't really want 200#'s of cabinet and stuff hanging from my rails."

Is it really that much?

In any case, I have the PM2000 w/30" fence and attached a cast iron router table to the right wing. With 200 lb (me and a 50 lb weight) applied to the very edge, I couldn't get the saw close to tipping.

With50" rails there might be an issue, but you could put on legs w/casters and adjust them to just touch the floor when the saw is lowered.

When you raise the saw, if it tips they'll take the weight, and if thye don't there's certainly no danger of those stout steel rails bending.

Josh LaFrance
08-13-2007, 3:42 PM
Your Probably right. I'm likely over engineering it. Occupational hazard.