View Full Version : Legal Question

Jason Christenson
08-10-2007, 8:18 PM
I've decided to try to make a little money doing this. Actually, not turning so much as refinishing. I have a name in mind that I would like to use for my little business and I am wondering if there is something I should do to protect it before I make it public by putting it on business cards or something like that? Any input will be appreciated.


Bill Wyko
08-10-2007, 8:21 PM
I would get a business license then try for a registered trade mark. My slogan for my company is a Registered TM. "What you listen to is your business, what you hear is ours":D As you probably guessed I'm in the audio business.

Jason Christenson
08-10-2007, 8:23 PM
What's the first step in doing that?

joe greiner
08-11-2007, 6:34 AM
Everything you ever wanted to know about patents and trademarks. Boink "Trademarks" on the left menu.



Craig Carpenter
08-11-2007, 7:51 AM
legalzoom.com can help