View Full Version : Another Sissoo bowl

Mike Vickery
08-07-2007, 2:58 AM
Yes I know I am in a rut here. Well to be honest I have been doing a lot of roughing and needed to take a break to finish a piece off.

It is Sissoo or Indian Rosewood 7x2 and finished with home brew danish oil and buffed. I have been going thinner then I usually do on my last couple and this is the thinnest of them. I left a little meat at the rim probably about a 1/4 but the rest of it is about an 1/8.


All in all I have to say I like it but am not in love with it. The form seems a little off near the bottom and the foot a little small for the piece. I am somewhat locked in with the earlier pieces that I have been air drying. I was fairly new to bowl turning back then and some of my rough outs have terrible shapes. This one wasn't to bad but their are a couple on my shelf that are pretty ugly and I don't know if I can save them. I guess the sins of the past are coming back to haunt me.

Comments and or critiques are appreciated.

Mike A. Smith
08-07-2007, 8:48 AM
Mike, if the form is off at the bottom I can't find it in the outside pic. Although the inside pic looks like it may flatten out a bit, it's hard to tell if it really does or not. I like both the form and the wood.

Steve Schlumpf
08-07-2007, 9:38 AM
Impressive bowl Mike! Love the wood, great looking form and your finish looks really good also. I don't know why you wouldn't like this one. To me - it's really nice work!

Bernie Weishapl
08-07-2007, 10:47 AM
Mike I think it is a beauty. I like the form and finish. Well done.

Brett Baldwin
08-07-2007, 10:56 AM
If the foot is small it must be hidden by the sheet. I guess it depends on what you are trying to get in the way of shape. It doesn't strike me as an "artsy" type of shape but as bowls go, it has a nice line. The wood is some really nice stuff.

Mark Pruitt
08-07-2007, 12:54 PM
IMHO you are being too hard on yourself in criticizing this one. This bowl has a fine shape to it and you did "just right" to leave the rim thicker than the body. I always look at your pieces and I have to say I give this one a high ranking.:)

It gets repeated often here that we can sometimes be our own strongest critics. There's a plus side to that but it also can keep us from seeing a true beauty when we create one.

Alex Cam
08-07-2007, 1:24 PM
I have to agree with Mark -- you're being too critical, which I think is often the case. It may not have turned out (pun intended) exactly the way you envisioned, but I think it's a fine looking bowl with a subtly graceful form.

Ed Scolforo
08-07-2007, 3:26 PM
I think the form is fine, and the finish is excellent!

Mike Vickery
08-07-2007, 5:08 PM
Thanks everyone I appreciate the comments.
Don't get me wrong it is not going in the burn pile or anything. Just my last couple of bowls before this I was very happy with, this one is not at the same level.
And yes I am very critical of my turnings. I think it is supposed to be that way. It makes us strive to keep getting better.

Tom Keen
08-07-2007, 6:03 PM
I think its a really nice bowl. Good curve, well finished..looks like it would feel good when you held it.

Im pretty hard on myself which is fine as long as I learn something. That doesnt mean, however, that other folks can see the little details I can...in fact the comments I hear most is 'its wood, its handmade, it isnt ever going to be perfect'.

So... keep at it and keep posting!

Thanks for sharing,

Kevin McPeek
08-08-2007, 12:31 AM
I have to agree with everybody, it's a very nice piece! Of course, I'm sure I'll have the chance to give it a good look soon enough.