View Full Version : Identify the type of Rosewood

Adam Grills
08-06-2007, 9:31 AM
I bought some blackwood and rosewood and turned them both yesterday. I need help identifying the type of rosewood it is. It is black. I didn't post a picture bacuase it is black darker than the ebony keys on my piano- can't hardly see the grain enless you put it up to your nose. It's much darker than the blackwood. Any ideas?

Malcolm Tibbetts
08-06-2007, 9:48 AM
Adam, I'm not sure what you've got, but a while ago, I used some Madagascar rosewood for the first time. It was not jet black initially, but it turned very black very quickly. It was also extremely oily, more so than other rosewoods. Here's a photo:

Ron Sardo
08-06-2007, 11:24 AM
FYI: African Blackwood "Dalbergia melanoxylon"is a rosewood.