View Full Version : Patience is rewarded (sometimes)

Brett Baldwin
08-04-2007, 5:52 PM
If you've read any of the threads about AZ wood lately you'll know we've had several nice scores lately. I rented an HD chainsaw (Makita 6401) last weekend because I didn't have one yet and we weren't sure if the trees would be around long or not. I also heard that they sold older units for half or less of the original price and I wanted to be sure it was worth the money.
I liked the saw and so did Martin so I called around looking for one on sale. No luck but the last guy I called said they would be getting their sale lists the beginning of August. So here we are and I called around again this morning and sure enough, they're on sale.
Now the prices I heard were $250-275 so I was pleasantly surprised to find three for $185. That a $500+ saw for $200 out the door (sales tax don't you know). The deal included two new chains, the cheapy multi-wrench, and an owners manual. I took the one that looked like it had been treated the best. No guarantee of course but we fired it up and even though it took several pulls it was strong once it started. I pulled the spark plug when I got it home and it was modestly dirty so a quick cleaning with the wire brush, put it back in and pull the cord, Vroooom! starts on the first pull. BTW I asked what the criteria is for selling the saws, he said they sell them after two years as a matter of policy.
So here is my newly acquired two year old on top of my stash of blanks. 64cc 20" bar. If you are familiar with Dolmar saws you'll notice that this is just a Dolmar in Makita blue because Makita bought them and has them make their saws now.

ps If you're in the market for a chainsaw this size, other HDs may be selling now and they had two more where I got mine for that price.

Bernie Weishapl
08-04-2007, 6:47 PM
Congrats Brett. Looks like you got a load of wood to.

Martin Braun
08-04-2007, 7:16 PM
Brett - Way to go! I'm half tempted to put mine on craigslist & pick up one of those in the future. I had mine out today slabbing some other logs I had around, and helping the neighbor trim his tree. It did fine, but the extra cc's and the longer bar are definitely enticing.

Mike Vickery
08-04-2007, 7:33 PM
Great score. That should be plenty of saw for you. I still say with a saw that big you need a bigger lathe now.
I have to admit first thing I thought was do I need another saw? I think the wife would kill me if I came home with another saw. If you come out with us I know who gets to cut up the big trees.

Martin Braun
08-04-2007, 11:15 PM
"I still say with a saw that big you need a bigger lathe now."

I second that. Brett's abysseration is not yet complete ;-). Oh wait, I guess abysseration is never complete or it wouldn't be called abysseration.

Kevin McPeek
08-05-2007, 2:35 AM
Way to go Brett! That ought to be plenty of saw for woodturning. Do we need a third? If you want we can do a mini get together and you could come turn on the DVR or go down the street to Mike's and stand at the big boy lathe.

Now if we could just get Mike to buy a truck...
I have to admit I had the same thought as Mike "do I need another saw", I really don't but a deal is a deal right. I need to work on my wood pile first.

Brett Baldwin
08-05-2007, 3:13 AM
I completely agree, I do need a bigger lathe but that's not in the cards right now so I'll settle for a saw that will be ready for that bigger lathe whenever it may come. You're right Martin, the Abyss just keeps on going, deeper and deeper so I'm just biding my time until I can choose whatever I want or a deal too good to pass up comes along. Its really just a matter of when.

Kevin, that sounds like a good idea. It would be good to see what some extra horses do for you. Now if only it weren't 100+ degrees in our shops, we could enjoy it even more. My fan does double duty keeping me cool and blowing the chips and dust away.

Mike Vickery
08-05-2007, 10:43 AM
Yeah the bigger lathes are quite a hit to the pocket book. I turned on my mini for about 3 years before I upgraded. It probably would have been longer but I got a smoking deal that was to good to pass up on my lathe. You are of course always welcome to give my lathe a spin.

I have to admit I have looked at the picture of the saw several times now to drool. Is it wrong to covet thy fellow turners saw? If you come over you might have to bring the saw so I can take it for a whirl.

Kevin McPeek
08-05-2007, 11:18 AM
Oh yeah, we'll wait till it cools down a bit. I made the mistake of hanging a thermometer on the wall in the shop. In late afternoon it is not uncommon for it to read 115+ and we haven't had a real hot streak either.

Mike, I thinks its okay as long he isn't your neighbor and he isn't married to it.
Do we have a big makita service place here too or is it ryobi? I can't remember which one.

Bill Wyko
08-05-2007, 1:53 PM
Nice stack of mesquite to go with that C-Saw.:)

Brett Baldwin
08-05-2007, 2:41 PM
I promise I'll bring the saw when we do a get together Mike.

Bill, most of that stack is pecan but there are a few nice chunks of mesquite there still. Did you get your chainsaw yet? I know you're more focused on segmented but considering your talents, I'd think you would have some interesting stuff to do with wet wood. Just a thought.

Martin Braun
08-06-2007, 2:29 AM
Brett - here's something to add to the abysseration process ;)


Mike Vickery
08-06-2007, 11:13 AM
Martin your baaaaad! You might want to find out how meen Brett's wife is before you post any more of these.

Kevin McPeek
08-06-2007, 1:31 PM
It might be okay, I did the same thing to Mike and he came out of it okay... to the untrained eye anyway. Good thing Tracy is so nice.

Mike Vickery
08-06-2007, 3:03 PM
It might be okay, I did the same thing to Mike and he came out of it okay... to the untrained eye anyway. Good thing Tracy is so nice.
Yeah but I already had the okay to buy a lathe that costed more than twice as much as what I paid for mine. So it was like saved her $900.

Brett Baldwin
08-06-2007, 6:31 PM
Yeah but I already had the okay to buy a lathe that costed more than twice as much as what I paid for mine. So it was like saved her $900.

If that doesn't appeal to a woman's sense of shopping logic I don't know what does.

I saw that one Martin but budget gods have already deigned to allow the saw so that isn't in the cards right now. Now a PM 3520 or a Oneway at that price and I'll find a way!
I have been checking out a rumor that I could make my 64cc saw a 79cc for about $200 or so with only a little tinkering. I won't be doing it any time soon but I am keeping it in mind if I have to do any work on the saw in the future.:cool: