View Full Version : 6 month turning anniversary - Cherry Bowl

steven carter
08-03-2007, 3:34 PM
It's been 6 months since I've been swirling in the vortex.... enjoyed every minute of it. I just finished the Grumbine video and thought I would try the techniques I found there, and this is the result. 9.5" by 5" deep, finished with antique oil and buffed. The pictures don't really do it justice.
I think this is my best bowl, thanks to Bill for a great video. If you are somewhat new to turning as I am, I think you will love this video!

Paul Engle
08-03-2007, 4:21 PM
Nice piece Steven, finish looks great. That oughta hold a nice serving of pop corn!!!Look forward to many more:D .

08-03-2007, 4:28 PM
Absolutely beautiful. Your form I think is perfect for this piece! Great wood, finish, form and everything!!!! Congrats and hopefully you'll enjoy all of you turning time as much as you do now!!!

Ron Erickson
08-03-2007, 4:32 PM
I really like the cherry in your bowl, well done. I also second what you said about Bill's DVD it sure helped me.

Mark Pruitt
08-03-2007, 4:36 PM
You did well, Steven!

Steve Schlumpf
08-03-2007, 4:50 PM
Steve - great looking bowl! Really like the form and finish! You are right about Bill's video! I've had mine for about 10 months now and I am still learning things from it! Have fun! Looking forward to seeing some more bowls from you!

Ken Fitzgerald
08-03-2007, 4:59 PM
Steve....Great bowl...finish, form...everything! Yup....Bill's video is excellent for a beginning turner!

Mike Vickery
08-03-2007, 5:02 PM
And I did not even get you anything. Beautiful bowl. I have seen at least a dozen turning video's and I will have to say hands down Bill's first turning video is the best bowl turning video I have seen. 1/2 the videos I have seen I swear my turning got worse after watching them. After Bill's it got better.

Tom Sherman
08-03-2007, 5:04 PM
looks like you got the best of it Steven.

Ed Scolforo
08-03-2007, 6:06 PM
Lokks great, Steven! Nice form and wood. Keep 'em coming!

Ron Fleice
08-03-2007, 7:46 PM
Beautiful job Steven...I also have both of Bill Grumbines videos and they have helped me a lot...I still go back to them for reference ... You should be proud of your efforts after only 6 months and great photography to boot...well done!

George Guadiane
08-03-2007, 8:24 PM
You can certainly be proud of that one!

Mike A. Smith
08-03-2007, 8:38 PM
Happy 6th Steven! You marked the anniversary well; very, very nice piece.

Bernie Weishapl
08-03-2007, 8:54 PM
Steve the bowl is beautiful. Form and finish are great. Keep'em coming.