View Full Version : Stuck lid

Burt Alcantara
08-02-2007, 10:15 AM
Wouldn't you know it, the best box I've made to date has a stuck lid. I need to unstick it to finish it as well as have it be useful. (kd cherry).

As the lid sits high on the base and doesn't have much too grip it is problematic to get it off. In the past I've used a strap clamp to unloosen stubborn lids but I can't get anything to grip on this lid.

I put the box is in the freezer hoping that some contraction and expansion might do the trick, but this is a SWAG.


Frank Kobilsek
08-02-2007, 10:52 AM

Straight blade of your pocket knife very carefuly in the joint. Carefuly!


Bernie Weishapl
08-02-2007, 10:55 AM
I agree with Frank. Every now and then I get one stuck. I just take my pocket knife and work it around the lid carefully. Every one has some off.

08-02-2007, 10:58 AM
Uhhh wouln't contraction be more of a problem. Seeing the hollowed out prtion would shrink faster??

08-02-2007, 11:20 AM
It may sound crazy, but put it in the freezer for a bit. This has worked on tight joints on other projects. Try it ....should work.

Pat Salter
08-02-2007, 12:22 PM
if the freezer didn't work.......how about the microwave??

Burt Alcantara
08-02-2007, 10:13 PM
Put the box in the freezer this morning. Took it out about 8:00 PM. Held it in my hands for about 1 minute. Began trying to rotate the lid. Popped right off. Now, the lid is pretty loose but I'm not complaining.

A trick worth trying!


Pat Salter
08-03-2007, 12:51 AM
we had a box turning demo at our club a couple of months back and we had a BIG discussion about whither or not the lid should be tight/snug/loose. one of those personal choice things.

joe greiner
08-03-2007, 7:21 AM
Nice to know. Previously, I've soaked the outer element in water to expand it, and had to re-do the finish. The self-defrosting feature of the freezer is probably a factor. Should also work on vases with inserts that were too well fitted. Might be beneficial to sand a little more to enable later opening, or at least prevent cracking the outer piece or expanding such cracks. Thanks.


Burt Alcantara
08-03-2007, 10:14 AM
I should add that I live in a very dry area at about 3000'. My freezer is a dedicated stand up. Any wet will dry within an hour (not including green wood). Many of my small logs are drying out after only 10 weeks.


Blake McCully
08-03-2007, 3:00 PM
we had a box turning demo at our club a couple of months back and we had a BIG discussion about whither or not the lid should be tight/snug/loose. one of those personal choice things.

Ray Keyes, not sure I spelled that right, believes the lid on boxes should be snug or loose depending on the use. If it's for paper clips or something, it should be loose, if it's for jewelry, snug is better.

Just my $0.02.