View Full Version : County Fair Entries

Bernie Weishapl
07-31-2007, 9:05 PM
Just returned from the fair where I had entered in the open clas a Mesquite NE bowl, a maple lidded box, a cedar vase and 3 of my mini acorn birdhouses. I got blue ribbons on all except the mini birdhouses. I got grand champion for those and best in class for the adult open division. I guess that is not to bad. I guess this could be a mini gloat. I will post pictures with the ribbon when I get them back Saturday.

Jeff Bower
07-31-2007, 9:26 PM
Congrats Bernie, I'm sure you blew the competition right out of the water!

Keith Burns
07-31-2007, 9:30 PM
Congrats Bernie !!!

Dick Parr
07-31-2007, 9:34 PM
Congrats Bernie!;)

Jeff Moffett
07-31-2007, 9:35 PM
I'm glad to be in a county on the other side of the state, Bernie. I wouldn't want to compete with that. Congrats!

Barry Stratton
07-31-2007, 9:42 PM
Excellent news Bernie! CONGRATS!!!!!!

Mike A. Smith
07-31-2007, 9:45 PM
Mini-gloat? I'd say this is a least full size, congratulations!

Nancy Laird
07-31-2007, 9:45 PM

Bernie, that is one serious gloat, and I'm really pleased for you!

I haven't gotten up the nerve to turn much other than pens and a few bottle stoppers, but I think that by next year, I'll be ready to submit something to the State Fair here in Albuquerque. Hope I can have a gloat too.

Very well done!!!!


Mike Vickery
07-31-2007, 10:18 PM
Congrats Bernie, that si quite an honor.

Bernie Weishapl
07-31-2007, 10:37 PM
Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. They want me to take the birdhouses to the state fair in Hutchison but I don't think I will be able to because of work and my dad. My sister and I have to take him in for a check up at the special care unit. He has dementia real bad. We will see what happens.

Pete Jordan
07-31-2007, 10:40 PM
Keep it up Bernie!

What an honor!

Steve Schlumpf
07-31-2007, 10:58 PM
Outstanding Bernie!!! Glad to see you get some recognition for your work! Looking forward to the photos! Hope you get the chance to go to the state fair - I'm sure you would excel there also!!

dennis kranz
08-01-2007, 12:10 AM
Way to go Bernie. The only hard part will be to do it again next year.

Brett Baldwin
08-01-2007, 1:26 AM
Congrats Bernie.

Chris Barton
08-01-2007, 7:45 AM
Way to go Bernie! Now, let's see the pictures.

Bob Hallowell
08-01-2007, 8:49 AM
Wow! Bernie I'm sure it was well deserved.


Paul Engle
08-01-2007, 9:51 AM
WTG Bernie. Sorry to hear about your dad. I know what you are going thru... We will keep your family in our prayers.

Ed Scolforo
08-01-2007, 9:55 AM
Excellent, Bernie!!!

Bernie Weishapl
08-01-2007, 9:58 AM
Thanks again everyone. I do appreciate it. Thanks for the kind words about my dad. The tough part is him not knowing me. Out of 7 kids my sister and I are the only ones who will help and take care of him.

Anyway Chris and all I will have pictures Saturday. They are locked in display cases and can't be picked up till then. They want to leave them on display. So when I get them picked up pic's will be forth coming.

Don Orr
08-01-2007, 9:59 AM
Strong work there Bernie. Well deserved!

Keith Beck
08-01-2007, 10:23 AM

Congrats, you done good!

Sorry to hear about your dad. My dad also has dementia (at age 62), so I know what you're going through. Unfortunately, it's progressed to the point that neither my brother or I are able to care for him and he's now in an institution. It's a tough row to hoe...


Frank Kobilsek
08-01-2007, 10:40 AM
Congrats Bernie,
My woodworking dad and brother both had Best of Show plaques from our county fair and I finaly got mine in 2005 with a segmented hickory and purpleheart bowl. It's a big deal in our family.

Bernie Weishapl
08-01-2007, 1:05 PM

Congrats, you done good!

Sorry to hear about your dad. My dad also has dementia (at age 62), so I know what you're going through. Unfortunately, it's progressed to the point that neither my brother or I are able to care for him and he's now in an institution. It's a tough row to hoe...


Keith my dad is also in a institution and has been for 5 yrs. now. He started showing signs of having it about 7 yrs ago. My sister and I couldn't provide the care he is getting now. We just make sure he has his check ups, etc. You are right. It is tough. Probably the toughest thing I have ever had to do.

Thanks again to all.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-01-2007, 1:09 PM
Slap my face! Why am I NOT surprised?

Congrats Bernie! We would like to see photos!

Mike Ramsey
08-01-2007, 1:09 PM
Wow! WTG Bernie!! That's 2 grand champions I know now! The other one
is a Long Horn steer!

Mark Pruitt
08-01-2007, 2:07 PM
Way to go, Bernie!:)

Sorry to hear about your dad. Dimentia sucks. I see it in patients every day. I talk often to people about advance directives; that illness is one of the strongest arguments to have one. When you can't speak for yourself it means a lot to your family to have something on paper.

Don Eddard
08-01-2007, 3:33 PM
Congrats, Bernie. That's quite an honor.

Tom Sherman
08-01-2007, 5:27 PM
Good news on the turnings Bernie, bummer about your dad, it is rough when he doesn't know you BTDT, hang tough my friend.

Gary Herrmann
08-01-2007, 6:34 PM
Wow, congratulations, Bernie. Sorry to hear about your dad.

Bernie Weishapl
08-01-2007, 6:34 PM
Way to go, Bernie!:)

Sorry to hear about your dad. Dimentia sucks. I see it in patients every day. I talk often to people about advance directives; that illness is one of the strongest arguments to have one. When you can't speak for yourself it means a lot to your family to have something on paper.

My sister and I are co-power of attorney. We need both sig's to sign a check. Dad always told us that is what he was going to do. That way one kid didn't run the show his or her way. My sister and I are close so it hasn't been a problem. We are also his medical guardian. They can't do or change anything without our consent. Old dad for only getting to 6th grade was a pretty smart cookie.

Thanks again for all the kind comments. It really helps. The LOML has been kidding me all day about going back to make sure it was my turning that got the ribbon. :rolleyes::cool:;)