View Full Version : I Hit a Homer! Doh!

Pete Jordan
07-30-2007, 11:34 AM
You should have seen the other guy. I now promise I will use a face sheild even when I walk by the lathe!
Now to finish the bat. At least I know it makes good contact.:eek:

Tony De Masi
07-30-2007, 11:38 AM
Now That Had To Hurt. Ouch.

Jim Becker
07-30-2007, 11:39 AM

Mike Vickery
07-30-2007, 11:46 AM
That sucks. I admit I am a wimp I use the face shield for anything bigger then a stopper. I have only had one piece bounce off my face shield, but that was enough to convince me to wear it more.

Steve Schlumpf
07-30-2007, 11:54 AM
I'm sure the wisdom gained has been passed on to the boys! Hope you feel better soon!

Tyler Howell
07-30-2007, 11:57 AM
Toooo close. Could've been real bad!!!!

Bonnie Campbell
07-30-2007, 12:52 PM
OUCH! So sorry it happened. If I had that happen hubby would ban me from my shop :rolleyes: Face shield face shield face shield.....

07-30-2007, 1:23 PM
HMMMM face shield haning by lathe will now be on head! Lesson learned! Sorry for your pain

Keith Burns
07-30-2007, 2:26 PM
Pete, Pete, Pete............................................

Glad it wasn't worse.

Bernie Weishapl
07-30-2007, 2:57 PM
Pete that puppy had to hurt. Sheesh that hurts just looking pal. I never enter the shop and touch a lathe on/off switch before I put on a face shield.

Mark Pruitt
07-30-2007, 3:00 PM
I know this much.....you would NOT want to get smacked with what flew off and hit my face shield yesterday. Face shields are a PITA...they're uncomfortable, they get covered in dust and have to be wiped clean frequently, sometimes they can even cloud your vision of what you're turning, and for guys like me who still have hair on their head they completely screw up our appearance (and yes, sometimes that does matter)......but the alternative....

OTOH, having said that, I have been guilty of the same thing. In fact there is one Forum member who will possibly chuckle at me if he happens to catch this post. (And I deserve it too.):rolleyes:

Tom Sherman
07-30-2007, 4:27 PM
Pete I'm glad it wasn't any worse, man that looks like it smarts.

Curt Fuller
07-30-2007, 7:30 PM
Ouch, Glad to hear you're Ok.

Josiah Bartlett
07-30-2007, 7:56 PM
Has anybody tried using a "cough guard" style face shield- like the one on salad buffets? If you integrated some dust collection into it, it might be a lot more convenient than a head-worn one. I tend to steam them up rather quickly.

Ian Welford
07-30-2007, 8:04 PM
Can't you guys get Trend Air shields over there? Brilliant gadget- has a dust extract built in, polycarbonate ( read shatter proof) face shield and cool air blown over your face- letc you turn for longer!!!

Fairrly light weight but you have to turn the radio in the shop up a bit.

Glad you're OK having had a Yew bowl ( or rather half a yew bowl) bounce off my shield bout 8 years ago I'm a fan!


Ernie Nyvall
07-30-2007, 8:13 PM
Dang Pete... when I first saw the pick, I thought you had uh... well I wont say, but makeup came to mind.:D I'm sorta glad it was a bat. I know... that was just wrong.

I hope you got it checked out and are alright.

Robert McGowen
07-31-2007, 12:32 AM
Too close for comfort! Maybe I should do like I always tell the kids - learn from someone else's mistake instead of smacking myself in the face first. Thanks for the lesson. Get well soon.

Chris Barton
07-31-2007, 7:36 AM
Sorry about the mishap Pete, hope you don't have any problems in the future.