View Full Version : Woodcraft Sale got me a sweet deal...

Raymond Fries
07-29-2007, 2:48 PM
I went to the Woodcraft sale yesterday just to get some sandpaper and get the $10 gift card from the scratch-off flyer. They happened to have one of the Incra 17" Super LS Positioners there. It has been looking for a home since the store opened so I got it for 55% off. I also got the Whiteside 6 bit set to go with it for 50% off. :p

I guess that much of a discount made the decision between Jointech and Incra.

Sometimes it really pays to shop the bargain tables; especially underneath them...

Hope you found something you have been waiting to go on sale as well.

Jason Beam
07-29-2007, 3:30 PM

You'll love either the jointech or the incra ... but now you're one of US instead of one of THEM!! :P :P :P :P :P