View Full Version : Sticky Non-Stick Price Stickers??

Allen Neighbors
07-28-2007, 11:48 PM
I have price cards, but if I set up at a craft fair or art show, outside, the wind will carry them away. I once tried file and address labels... and they won't come off without a fight. Does anyone know of a price sticker that can be used on turned pieces that can be removed easily?

Richard Madison
07-29-2007, 12:03 AM
Allen,Have you tried "Post-It" (registered trademark) notes or portions thereof?

Leo Graywacz
07-29-2007, 12:13 AM
How about small piece of white cardboard with a hole in it and a string to tie it around the tuning.

Allen Neighbors
07-29-2007, 12:14 AM
Hello, Richard, thanks for the response.
No, I haven't even thought about Post-It Notes. I've been getting ready for a week-long show, and I've got quite a bit of stock, so I've had my mind on something that I could print with a printer. For that reason, they didn't even enter my mind. That may be the way I have to go, though.
Good idea. I appreciate it.

Hey, Leo, we were posting about the same time, and I didn't even get your post read 'til now. I've thought about what you suggest, but it's pretty hard to tie a tag on a bowl; and if you set the bowl on the string, someone picks up the bowl, and poof, the tags gone with the wind. I think it needs to stick on, but not adhere to...
Thanks for trying. :)

Richard Madison
07-29-2007, 12:52 AM
Allen,Guess you could print on regular "sticky" stickers and then stick them to the PI Notes. Still somewhat of a PITA. Anyhow it's great that you are thinking about it (and your work and your customers). We have all (nearly all?) been P.O.'d about difficult packaging and price or warning stickers that can't be removed without damaging the product.Looks like Childress is about a half a country to the North of here, so will probably miss your show. Wish for you good weather, good sales, and no bogus money or bad checks.

Allen Neighbors
07-29-2007, 1:06 AM
Thanks for the good wishes, Richard.

Grant Wilkinson
07-29-2007, 8:57 PM

Avery makes removable labels for floppy disks. I've used them on some of my wife's work, and they remove easily, leaving no glue residue at all.

Ottawa ON

Allen Neighbors
07-30-2007, 2:19 PM
Thanks for the idea, Grant. Appreciated.

Keith Burns
07-30-2007, 2:25 PM
One more thought, painters tape.

Jess Wetherhold
07-30-2007, 2:53 PM
Like Grant I too use the Avery "Print or Write" labels. Staples has many different sizes.