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View Full Version : A neat story about me, my pens, and a famous author

Patrick Taylor
07-27-2007, 1:04 PM
I admit that I'm pasting this from my blog because I don't want to retype the whole thing, but want to share it with you guys. Here goes....

On Wednesday night, my daughter and I went to the local booksigning by British author Jasper Fforde (http://www.jasperfforde.com/), well known internationally for his Thursday Next series of novels. (In fact I got my wife signed UK first editions of the whole series a while back because she's such a big fan) My wife had the great idea to take him one of my pens, and even volunteered her favorite acrylic cigar because she thought it went well with the cover art on his books. So off we go, pen in hand, and we get there to find that the place is packed with hundreds of people and all copies of the new book are sold. I grabbed an older paperback of his and we got in line.

When we got to the front my daughter hands him the pen, and says "my dad made this for you." He removes it from the sleeve and say "Wow! Brilliant!" (how british is that...) He then says "Monte Blanc... ppfffff!" and tosses aside his other pen. He used mine to sign all the books for the remainder of the line. He made sure to have my contact info so he would know who gave it to him.

To top things off, as we were leaving a salesperson found another box of the new books. So we grabbed one and got back at the end of the line! We got up to the front and I saw that he was still using my pen long after he thought we had left, which means he wasn't just being polite. He thanked us again as he signed the new book.

So... of course I forget to bring the camera to this event (doh!) but luckily the fan club (http://www.jasperffordeffanclub.com/) president was there with her excellent camera, and she was kind enough to take some photos to send me. She did a great job, here's a photo of us with Jasper. (I blacked out my daughter because we don't post public pics of the kids online.)
http://www.beadsandcoves.com/uploaded_images/910594045_5be9659a18_o-776784.jpg (http://www.beadsandcoves.com/uploaded_images/910594045_5be9659a18_o-776787.jpg)

And Jasper signing a book with my pen:
http://www.beadsandcoves.com/uploaded_images/910499501_24728ef763_o-794944.jpg (http://www.beadsandcoves.com/uploaded_images/910499501_24728ef763_o-794948.jpg)
http://www.beadsandcoves.com/uploaded_images/910500423_c099f443fd_o-789357.jpg (http://www.beadsandcoves.com/uploaded_images/910500423_c099f443fd_o-789362.jpg)The FC president also mentioned that Jasper commented on how much he liked the pen, both the look and feel, so that's quite a complement coming from someone that has to use a pen for so long at one time.

Doug M Jones
07-27-2007, 1:10 PM
Great story Patrick.

My wife gives mine away almost as fast as I make them. I'll have to check out the books, I like to read when time allows but have not read this author. Thanks for the tip.

Tony De Masi
07-27-2007, 1:13 PM
Very cool Pat. However, I am a bit concerned of the hand gesture that Jasper is using in the first photo!!!!!!!!!:eek:


Bernie Weishapl
07-27-2007, 1:21 PM
Awesome Patrick. I think that is so cool. Congrats.

Hey Tony you think that gesture is bad watch Ray Key's video on turning boxes. He uses that finger to point everything out. :eek: :(

Shannon Grizzell
07-27-2007, 2:38 PM
Very cool Patrick! It's always nice to have one's work appeciated, isn't it.

David Cramer
07-27-2007, 2:39 PM
Patrick that is COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a neat day that must have been for you and the family. That's definitely a moment to feel proud and I'm sure he'll have that pen for many years to come.

Thanks for posting and by the way, "good on you" for blocking out your daughter, we do the same thing with our 2 kids. Unfortunately, that's the world that we live in. Have a great day!


Jeff Bower
07-27-2007, 2:47 PM
Excellent story Patrick!! You mentioned your blog so I had to check that out too!! Great way to keep track of your great progress as a turner.

Phillip H Smith
07-27-2007, 3:33 PM
Great story, Pat...

The only downside: Now you have to make another pen for your wife.

Hummm...Downside? Nah, don't think so.

07-27-2007, 3:39 PM
Love the story, and the pics to back it up. Wouldn't beleive it for a minnute without the pics!

Byt the way, you lok just like one of my good friends. I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't him.:eek:

Steve Schlumpf
07-27-2007, 3:40 PM
What a great story Patrick! Glad to see your work is appreciated beyond just us turners! Also nice to have photo proof! Congrats!

Allen Neighbors
07-27-2007, 4:57 PM
Congratulations! What a neat story! Your young-uns will cherish these photos in years to come!

Tom Sherman
07-27-2007, 9:33 PM
Totally cool Patrick, not a bad way to get the word out about your pens either.

Dennis Peacock
07-27-2007, 10:23 PM
Congrats Patrick!!!! Excellent exposure there buddy. :cool:

Shane Whitlock
07-27-2007, 10:35 PM
Very Cool Patrick! Great story.

Andy Hoyt
07-28-2007, 12:11 AM
That has got to feel good. Kudos all around.

Barry Stratton
07-28-2007, 1:24 AM
Congrats, that is EXCELENT!

Benjamin Dahl
07-28-2007, 4:04 AM
Patrick, very nice story.

Patrick Taylor
07-28-2007, 4:11 AM
Thanks everyone. It was a mighty good feeling. :D