View Full Version : I'm back...

Steve Trauthwein
07-27-2007, 12:47 PM
Hello everyone, again!

My email address changed and I was blocked from posting. Thanks to the efforts of Andy Hoyt I have been reinstated. It has been great reading the messages and looking at the wonderful work posted but I have missed putting in my 2 cents. Thanks again Andy.

Regards, Steve

07-27-2007, 2:02 PM
MAN ANDY, we were trying to keep him out!!!! YOUR FIRED!!!:D

Welcome back, look foreward to you expertise and $0.029827655.

Steve Schlumpf
07-27-2007, 3:42 PM
Welcome back! So, what did you turn during your 'down time'?

Tom Sherman
07-27-2007, 9:28 PM
Welcome back Steve, Andy is a handy critter sometimes.

Andy Hoyt
07-28-2007, 12:05 AM
Yeah. Well just wait til he gets my invoice! :D

Glad it worked, bub - eventually, that is.