View Full Version : Best bowl rests?

Rob Leslie
07-26-2007, 11:01 PM
I'm still learning (self taught + DVDs) how to turn bowls and platters with the intent to eventually work my way into hollow forms.

My question is about lathe bowl rests: What is recommended for turning bowls? I've searched/read previous posts and some folks like the Sorby/modular stainless steel system, some like home-made, some are happy with the rest that came with their lathe... Mine is a PM 3520B.

What would you recommend?

Bernie Weishapl
07-26-2007, 11:22 PM
Rob I went to my local welder with a picture. He made me 3 different rests. One a S type for bowls, one a offset 3" on on side of the tool post, 6" on the other side, and one small one of 4". He made those for $35. These are 1" tool post and 1" T bar.

Cecil Arnold
07-26-2007, 11:49 PM

I'll take a turn at pontificating and say that the best rest is the one that works best for you. The stock rest that came with your 3520 will allow you to get the tool as close to the work as possible, this is an advantage if you are working the tool very far from the rest. Being cast iron it will also be easy to draw file any little nicks and dings out and maintain a smooth surface for the tool. A round profile rest will be slightly further from the work. I do like shaped rest--"J" and "S" to get into bowls, and the modular box rest offered by one of the after market tool makers. Basically, IMHO, it comes down to what works for you.

Kevin McPeek
07-26-2007, 11:51 PM
I am going through the same search right now. (birthday is coming up) So far I really like the Oneway set. Second to that I like the Monster super bowl rest. To me the S type rests look fairly useless for big bowls.

Burt Alcantara
07-27-2007, 8:55 AM
I've got the Sorby inside S. On my Nova 1624 it is difficult to place because it needs to be centered over the bed. This is something difficult to do with my lathe.

I don't get the idea of an S. I only use the "top" of the S. I imagine the bottom of the S could be used as an arm rest for the left hand. For me, I find the stock rest to be just fine except it is sometimes too big at 12". I have a 6" on order for my small boxes.

Steel bars wont get you as close as a stock rest.


Rob Leslie
07-27-2007, 10:28 AM
Does anyone have experience with the Woodcraft Rest system? There are numerous discounts available this weekend from both Woodcraft and Rocker (local store discount), which Woodcraft will honor. So, there is some incentive for me to come to a decision quickly.

Mark Pruitt
07-27-2007, 1:02 PM
You should check out http://www.monster-wood-tool.com/. Scroll all the way down and click Tool Rests. Randy will do you right every time. No affiliation, just know first hand how good these tools are.

Mark Pruitt
07-27-2007, 1:06 PM
...some folks like the Sorby/modular stainless steel system...
If you choose this option, be aware that Sorby makes the 1" post in two different lengths. Your 3520 will require the longer post. Here is one place you can find the longer post. (http://www.cuttingedgetools.com/Onlinecat.htm/WebCatalog/Tool%20Rest.html)