View Full Version : Safe Wood

07-26-2007, 7:34 PM
I was just wondering if there were any types of wood that would be considered dangerous to use for making items that will come into contact with food. I would like to make rolling pins, pepper mills, honey dippers and such. The only types of wood I can think of might be something one might be allergic to.

Thanks GT

Jim Becker
07-26-2007, 7:38 PM
Not particularly since you're not eating the wood...

07-26-2007, 8:31 PM
The way I cook eating the wood may better.

George Guadiane
07-27-2007, 12:06 AM
Not particularly since you're not eating the wood...
My guess is, that the finish might be more dangerous than any of the woods...
nut oil is dangerous for some, don't know what effect the stuff we use might have though.

Patrick Taylor
07-27-2007, 12:29 AM
don't some people react to cocobolo?

Don Orr
07-27-2007, 7:42 AM
I believe the AAW website has a section on wood toxicity.

www.woodturner.org (http://www.woodturner.org)

When in doubt, I might stick to known North American hardwoods like cherry, maple, ash, beech, birch, hickory, butternut, etc.