View Full Version : Unsolicited Advice For Tony De Masi

Clem Wixted
07-26-2007, 4:11 PM
:) Tony, :)

You have a tag line on your posts that says:

Countdown to Retirement = 5 months

As a former resident of Glen Allen, VA I feel it is my obligation

- as a fellow turner and former almost neighbor,

- and as one who has been retired for 10 years

- and since you have 5 months of time left

... to get as many things done before you retire. When you are retired you will have so many things to do you won't have time to do the things you want to do.




Rich Stewart
07-26-2007, 5:29 PM
I have heard MANY people say they never worked so hard as they do when they're retired.

Good luck to you. have fun.

Lee DeRaud
07-26-2007, 5:39 PM
I have heard MANY people say they never worked so hard as they do when they're retired.For me, it's not so much working so hard as that everything takes longer:
I can't for the life of me figure out how I managed to get all the routine chores done back when I was wasting 40+ hours a week working.

Bernie Weishapl
07-26-2007, 7:15 PM
I'm with Lee. It takes longer for me to do things now. I have also been told by one of my neighbors that he is busier now than when he worked. So I hope all this time being busier won't interfear with golf and wood turning.:eek::eek:

Tony De Masi
07-26-2007, 7:27 PM
Well Fellas,

I have spent the last 27 years doing all of my around the house chores during my work week. Now for most of those years my days off weren't what the traditional weekend is considered. I spent years have Monday/Tuesday, or Wednesday/Thursday, and the like as my weekend. I literally spent hours during my week getting things done so that on MY weekend I could do what I wanted. Of course with the blessing of the LOML. It's only the past few years that I've had the traditional weekend like most of the normal world.

But I won't be retiring fully just yet. When I do retire from my current job I still need to work two more years doing something to qualify for Social Security. I see it as free money so I know I will be doing something. I actually told the LOML that the first job I take will be one that I am positive that I will not like. When I got that quizical look from her I simply stated " I just want the chance for once in my life to tell my boss to ***** **"

I do have a life plan though. When I finish with my career job I will have put in about 27 1/2 years. What I want is at LEAST that many years on the other side of retirement, just to call it even.

But I've got to tell ya, when I logged on and saw my name as the heading of a thread I thought maybe I really upset someone, unintentionally of course. I'm glad to see that it's just you fellas looking out for me.

Someone mentioned golf. Bernie I think. Golf to me is a four letter word. I would rather hunt and fish. Dang, those are four letter words too. I must rethink this whole thing.


Larry Crim
07-26-2007, 8:57 PM
Clem speaks the truth he was so busy he had to sell me one of his lathes. lol, so what are you retiring from tony?

By the way clem I was in your town last week driving through to visit my dad and someone pulled out in front of me while I was getting off the freeway, caused me to jackknife my truck and boat, boats still in your town needs a new trailer.

Clem Wixted
07-26-2007, 9:11 PM

How can I help you out?

I don't have a boat trailer but I do have a 16 trailer that I could haul your boat on if it will fit.

Give me a call, I'm in the phone book.


Clem speaks the truth he was so busy he had to sell me one of his lathes. lol, so what are you retiring from tony?

By the way clem I was in your town last week driving through to visit my dad and someone pulled out in front of me while I was getting off the freeway, caused me to jackknife my truck and boat, boats still in your town needs a new trailer.

Larry Crim
07-26-2007, 9:18 PM
Thanks clem but I'm good now, the officer that came to fill out the report found me a good boat shop and they are working with the insurance to get me a new trailer thanks for the offer though.

George Guadiane
07-27-2007, 12:01 AM
Well Fellas,
Someone mentioned golf. Bernie I think. Golf to me is a four letter word. I would rather hunt and fish. Dang, those are four letter words too. I must rethink this whole thing.
"Turn" is a four letter word too... Maybe SOME four letter words are worth repeating,and doing (not golf though).