View Full Version : Cocobolo and Box Elder Burl

Shane Whitlock
07-24-2007, 7:16 PM
Turned some more Wall Streets this weekend but tried a couple things different on these.

First I took a try at stabilizing my own blanks. The wood in the pics to the left of the pens is a rotten punky piece that I could pick apart with my fingers. The BE pen in the center is from this same piece of wood.


To stabilize the blanks I put them in a glass vacuum canister and poured in some Minwax wood hardener. Hooked up my vacuum pump and pulled a vacuum on them for about 30 minutes. I then took off the canister lid and placed the canister with the hardener and blanks in it inside my pressure pot and put it under 60 lbs pressure for another 30 minutes.

I repeated these two steps about 5 more times. Each time I noticed fewer and fewer air bubbles coming out of the blanks. By the time I was done there was no more bubbles and the blanks where no longer floating. Next I put them in a small toaster oven and backed them for about 2 hours at 175 degrees. When I took them out they were hard as a rock. http://www.penturners.org/forum/images/icon_smile_big.gif I took one of the blanks and cut it in half and could see the hardener had soaked completely throughout the blank. I forgot to mention above that I drilled the blanks before stabilizing. I figured I was going to have to drill them again after I was done but I didn't have to, the tubes still fit nice and snug.

Another thing I tried was using just CA for the finish instead of my normal CA and BLO finish. I have had great results with CA/BLO but every once in a while on the real dark wood, especially cocobolo, I would get a slight cloudy/hazy finish. I don't if this is from the BLO or the oil in the wood or maybe the wood just wasn't dry enough, but I didn't get it with the straight CA finish. I was also able to get the CA to build up a little thicker than I could when I used it with the BLO. Anyways, I'm not trying to start any arguments here about which finish is the best but after the great results I got with the CA I think I will eliminate using the BLO.

The CA buffed out to a very nice glossy finish. I had to diffuse and bounce the light to take the pics because of the high gloss which eliminated the hot spots but doesn't show off the finish all that great.

(same pens, different view)

Thanks for looking ... Comments/Critiques always welcome.

Happy Turning,

Bernie Weishapl
07-24-2007, 7:18 PM
Those are beautiful Shane. I really like the wood on all three. Very well done.

Patrick Taylor
07-24-2007, 7:23 PM
Nice! I love that spalting. Thanks for sharing the stabilization method. How did they smell when baking?

The finish looks great. I find the BLO-rub while the CA cures is handy for ensuring a smoother finish on the cured CA, and therefore easier to sand and polish. Did the lack of BLO have a negative impact on this? I'd be curious to hear the results if you were to do a side by side test of the haziness with and without BLO.

Shane Whitlock
07-24-2007, 7:58 PM
Thanks for the comments guys :D

How did they smell when baking? ...
... I find the BLO-rub while the CA cures is handy for ensuring a smoother finish on the cured CA, and therefore easier to sand and polish. Did the lack of BLO have a negative impact on this? I'd be curious to hear the results if you were to do a side by side test of the haziness with and without BLO.

I didn't notice any stink when baking but my shop is well ventilated. I always have a couple of filter fans and exhaust fans running when I'm in the shop.

The BLO/CA finish is definitely easier to put on but the CA only finish isn't all that bad. You do get a few more lines/spirals in the glue without the aid of the BLO but they sand out fairly easy.

I did do a side by side comparision with two Cocobolo blanks and two BE blanks. With the lighter wood I didn't notice much of a difference but with the darker Cocobolo I can see a difference between the two, the CA only finish is clearer. I can also get a lot thicker finish with the CA only and I also like the feel better too. The CA/BLO finish feels very smooth but it has always felt sticky to the touch. Sticky is probably not the best word for it but I don't know how else to explain it, mabye wet is a better word. When ya rub your fingers over it it kinda grabs but the CA only finish is smooth as silk and feels very good in the hands.

Happy Turning,
Shane Whitlock

Patrick Taylor
07-24-2007, 10:02 PM
When ya rub your fingers over it it kinda grabs but the CA only finish is smooth as silk and feels very good in the hands.

OK, I'm convinced. :) I'll give it a shot.

Curt Fuller
07-24-2007, 10:31 PM
Beautiful pens Shane! That photography ain't too shabby either!

Mike A. Smith
07-24-2007, 11:05 PM
Shane they are gorgeous! And I'll echo Curt, the photos are great, don't know which I'm more jealous of.

Tom Sherman
07-25-2007, 4:09 PM
Shane those are pretty cool. Thanks for the info about stabilizing.

Jeffrey Fusaro
07-26-2007, 8:42 AM
beautiful pens, shane. thanks for sharing your technique.

Ed Scolforo
07-26-2007, 4:33 PM
Beautiful work, Shane!

Joseph Peacock
07-26-2007, 9:48 PM
WOW!!!!Those pens are very beautiful Mr.Shane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D ;) :cool:

Steve Schlumpf
07-27-2007, 10:00 AM
Very impressive! Absolutely beautiful work!