View Full Version : Met a Creeker Tonight

Julie Wright
01-20-2004, 6:38 PM
Just met with Jim Hill2. He gave me some beautiful curley maple pen blanks for the FREEDOM PEN PROJECT. now if I can get my hands on some kits.

Thanks Jim for your Help. :)


John Preston
01-20-2004, 6:49 PM
Hmmmm. That first sentence was certainly amusing. Your choice of words seems to mean that you see yourself as a fair peice older than him. I always thought youth was relative, I know people old enough to be my father that probably act younger than me.

Maybe that's why no one believes me when I tell them how old (young) I am. After knowing someone for a year, he still demanded to see my driver's license before admitting that I was ten years younger than he thought. Considering I was 22 at the time, it might mean something.

I personally found little benefit in being 22, I always had to start every sentence with "I know you've been doing it this way for 20 years, but . . . " :D

But curly wood is always welcome, no matter the source.

Wendell Wilkerson
01-20-2004, 9:57 PM
Just met with Jim Hill2, he is a very nice young man. He gave me some beautiful curley maple pen blanks for the FREEDOM PEN PROJECT. now if I can get my hands on some kits.

Thanks Jim for your Help. :)


Does the curly figure in woods show up very well in pen blanks? I don't turn so I wanted to make up saw blanks to send to somebody for the freedom pen project. I wasn't sure if it was worth the money to buy curly wood since I am not sure if the curly figure will really be apparent on a pen.


Kurt Aebi
01-21-2004, 7:49 AM

Wasn't Ken Salisbury selling some kits?
Maybe you should check with him - look in the Freedom Pens forum

Ken Salisbury
01-21-2004, 7:59 AM
Just met with Jim Hill2. He gave me some beautiful curley maple pen blanks for the FREEDOM PEN PROJECT. now if I can get my hands on some kits.

Thanks Jim for your Help. :)



I have some slimlines and some FT American is my private stock - I could let ya have a few of those if you are in dire need