View Full Version : This is a bummer.

Bill Wyko
07-20-2007, 4:50 PM
We had a big storm last night and the Oro Valley Golf course had numerous 30 year old eucalyptus trees fall to the ground. The bummer is I don't have the time or a chain saw to go get any of it. If any of you live here in Tucson I'd give them a call, some of the trees were about 4 feet in diameter.

Pete Jordan
07-20-2007, 4:56 PM
Go buy a chainsaw! You know you are going to need it. Ask the groundskeeper if he will put a little aside for you.

Maybe go to a chainsaw place and barter for a stereo system.

07-20-2007, 5:00 PM
You must get that euc. it's well worth it!!!! If for nothing else trade bait for others here. Pay a person down on his luck to go get it for you. What ever you gotta do. It's what we do, anything for wood!!!

Chris Barton
07-20-2007, 5:00 PM
Call the course super and let him know that you would pay for some if he would cut and save it for you...

Bill Wyko
07-20-2007, 5:43 PM
I've been trying to call today and no one is awnsering the phones.:mad: If anyone wants to call their number is 520-877-2591

dennis kranz
07-20-2007, 8:15 PM
Got the same problem you have Bill.

Andy Livingston
07-20-2007, 8:18 PM
bill and dennis should partner up for a chain saw!!!!!

Bill Wyko
07-20-2007, 8:51 PM
Hey Dennis. Next time you are going to be in the area, let me know a day ahead of time and I'll bring you a bunch of pen blank size material.

Bernie Weishapl
07-20-2007, 9:41 PM
Bill and Dennis can you rent a chainsaw? We have them in our rental store here. Oh would I love to be there.

Bill Wyko
07-23-2007, 12:36 PM
Monday, still no awnser.:mad:

Craig Carpenter
07-23-2007, 10:40 PM
Take the chainsaw out there, just start whacking away. If anyone says a thing, just tell them you're one of the clean up fellas. Go git you some!

Dennis Peacock
07-23-2007, 11:20 PM
Take the chainsaw out there, just start whacking away. If anyone says a thing, just tell them you're one of the clean up fellas. Go git you some!

Oh...now THAT's an idea. ;) :D :rolleyes:

Kevin McPeek
07-24-2007, 1:25 AM
You can always rent a chainsaw. If you don't get an answer go knock on the door.

07-24-2007, 9:19 AM
I see Bill in camo, face paint, and electric chainsaw. Middle of the night, with two friends. hand signal here, point there. Thud tree goes down. No one saw a thing. Covert trimming!!!

Brett Baldwin
07-24-2007, 2:16 PM
Bill, HD rents a very good chainsaw for $58/day plus all the little fees and such. That is money well spent for a stockpile of green wood. I am planning on exactly that for this weekend to take advantage of the pecan grove that Mike and Kevin were at last weekend. Don't forget sealer for the ends and a large vehicle to pile your stash into.

Bill Wyko
07-24-2007, 3:21 PM
|I wish I had time to go knock. My shop got so busy this week, I'll be here day and night just to catch up before the race. Although the sniper approach is something to think about:rolleyes: :D

Martin Braun
07-24-2007, 11:46 PM
Second that. I've rented for $30 for about 4 hours is memory serves. Plus, a fellow can rent a bigger one than what he would probably buy. For what somebody would have paid for that wood, it's a bargain.