View Full Version : New Member

Michael Rominger
07-16-2007, 12:39 AM
I found this forum a couple years ago and became a member but never posted. I attempted to post a couple of times but could not because I was not authorized to post for some reason. I have always been able to login, read posts, and see photographs. Just was unable to post. Well it has been a couple of years since attempting to post and tonight I thought I give it a try. So far it seems to be working so this is my official introduction. I started woodworking about a dozen years ago as a hobby. Began by building mission style furniture for our home along with other items as we needed them. Woodworking is extremely enjoyable for me and my wife loves the product that's produced so its a win win. About 3+ years ago my wife and I purchased a home we decided needed updating. So for 3+ years I have been busy remodeling the interior of our home along with many construction and landscaping projects outside. Also during this time I have been slowly assembling a shop that is nearing completion. Needless to say there's been no furnitue building for awhile. I'm not normally this long winded and promise not to be in the future. During the last couple of years I have noticed that there many talented craftsman associated with this forum. I appreciate the abilty to communicate with fellow woodworkers. I am attempting to load some pictures of a recent backyard project. It was a difficult to build (for me) deck constructed with Ipe. As time allows I will post pictures of my shop and other projects.

Jerry Ingraham
07-16-2007, 12:48 AM
Hey Michael, welcome to the creek. That is a fantastice deck you built there. Having just completed a small 4' x 6' front proch for my folks' house, I can certainly appreciate all the hard work! Congrats on the house and the soon to be completed shop. Be sure to get the pic's up asap!

Greg Crawford
07-16-2007, 12:52 AM
Michael, great deck! I imagine it will last a couple of years, too.

You're right, there are some great craftsmen on this forum. The best part is they are generous with their knowledge, and kind to those of us that are still learning.

Welcome aboard.


Jim Becker
07-16-2007, 2:14 AM
Very nice work, Michael...and welcome to the "posting" side of things at SMC! I see you already have the "we want pictures" thing down pat!!!

Don Bullock
07-16-2007, 9:40 AM
Michael, welcome. For someone who has been lurking for two years, you sure know how introduce yourself. Congratulations on your first, of what I hope is many, post. That deck is beautiful. While I've never done one I can tell that yours is a lot of hard work. I'd love to see some examples of your work, especially your mission style furniture. That's an area of woodworking that has inspired me to get back into working with wood. I'm amazed at the work that others here at the "Creek" do.

Paul Douglass
07-16-2007, 11:13 AM
Welcome to the Creek. That is a great deck. I have a deck, not as nice but my wife and I spend a great deal of time sitting there. She reads I dream... very relaxing place.

Please show us more, and errr don't wait two more years!:)