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View Full Version : Who have you notified in the media....

Dennis Peacock
01-17-2004, 6:43 PM
So far I have notified the local TV stations and the large local news paper. I will work on getting the word out via e-mail and phone calls as I can get info for contacts.

Tom Sweeney
01-17-2004, 6:58 PM
Is a pen turner. I remember them talking about it a while ago. I've been racking my feeble mind to remember which Anchor / correspondent it is. I have sent an email to fox news to see if they can help track him down. If anyone might have heard him talking about it & remembers who it was let me know & I will contact him. I'm sure if we can get to the actual guy he would possibly put it on the air.

Julie Wright
01-17-2004, 9:47 PM
I have contacted 3 local news chanels and the local paper. Just notified one of the local radio station The smaller papers will be contacted next week.

Todd Burch
01-17-2004, 9:52 PM
Once the web site has a few bugs shaken out, and we have more concrete logistics established, I'll mention this to my friend who hosts a radio talk show here in town 4 days a week. He might be able to reach about 15,000 people via his show. And, he's not a woodworker, but he has turned a lot of pens!! (but no longer has the equipment)

Rick Burson
01-17-2004, 10:35 PM
I notified 4 local tv stations in Omaha.

Jim Lane
01-18-2004, 10:56 AM
I saw that show, it was a couple of years ago. I believe his name is Jon Scott.

Jim Lane

Is a pen turner. I remember them talking about it a while ago. I've been racking my feeble mind to remember which Anchor / correspondent it is. I have sent an email to fox news to see if they can help track him down. If anyone might have heard him talking about it & remembers who it was let me know & I will contact him. I'm sure if we can get to the actual guy he would possibly put it on the air.

Eddie Severt
01-18-2004, 11:39 AM
I just sent an email to John Boy and Billy's Big show, as some of you may know they are a radio show that shows strong support of our military personnel. They even have a retired general on staff and had interviews every few days with troops live during the major part of the war. If they will get the word out, it will go to over 140 radio stations worldwide.

Julie Wright
01-19-2004, 1:57 PM
I have an interview with the Goose Creek Gazette on Thursday. They want some pics of me turning a pen. They appeared to very excited about this project. Since Charleston is a fairly large military town hopefully this will spark some excitement here.

There is a drop off box at the local Woodcraft store.

Good Luck all with the Media!!

I have contacted 3 local news chanels and the local paper. Just notified one of the local radio station The smaller papers will be contacted next week.

James Carpenter
01-19-2004, 4:10 PM
Shot an email to the Army Times Editor. The ArmyTimes is a newspaper that covers everyone in the military and is published weekly. Anything going on with the military - they know about it, not to mention the publicity.

Dennis Peacock
01-19-2004, 6:54 PM
Got an interview with the local newspaper on Thursday of this week for pics and story behind all this. The article should be in this coming Sundays Paper.....Still waiting on the local Little Rock TV stations.

Keith Outten
01-21-2004, 12:43 PM
I have an interview with the Fort Eustis newspaper tomorrow that Mike Leonard setup. Below is my list of local media organizations I have contacted. I will add to my list each day.

WavyTV 10 - Television
2WD - Radio

Ken Salisbury
01-21-2004, 7:47 PM
Gloat #1:

I spent about a hour today at the Huntsville Times Newspaper briefing the "Features" editor (Lee Roop) on the program. Their chief photographer took me to the studio and made photos of some of my pens and of me to be published in tomorrow's paper. Since Huntsville has a large military presence (Redstone Arsenal which is the Army Missile Command Center) Lee was really enthused with what we are doing. I wish I had gotten a hair cut beforehand. I must have had a premonition because I got a hair cut this afternoon and shortly there after received a phone call resulting in Gloat #2 Attached are 2 photos that will appear in the article.

Gloat #2

WAAY TV Channel 31 (Local ABC affiliate) is sending a film crew to my shop tomorrow around 11:00am to shoot me actually making a pen. I sure hope it gets aired :D

This should generate some real support since Channel 31 is the most watched TV Channel in North Alabama and Southern Tennessee.

I guess I am gonna have to hire a media consultant and a private secretary now :D :D

Todd Burch
01-21-2004, 8:04 PM

I luv ya man, but you better find another photographer. YIKES!!

(Just foolin' with ya)

Mike Leonard
01-21-2004, 8:11 PM

Nice looking pens. Nice touch with the Stars and Bars.

Julie Wright
01-21-2004, 9:04 PM
THe Post and Courier called tonight to set up an interview. We sill meet some time next week. I am meeting with the Military Editor. :)

Mike Leonard
01-23-2004, 8:00 AM
I followed up on James idea and also sent a letter to the editor of MilitaryCity.com. They publish the Army Times, Navy Times, Airforce Times and Marine Times. Also sent a letter to Soldiers magazine. The military reporter of the local newspaper has been contacted and Keith and I had an interview yesterday on Ft. Eustis. The base paper comes out on Thursday so hopefully it will get published next week.

Ken, if you continue to get the level of media coverage you have received you will need an agent.