View Full Version : I hate when that happens~!!

Cliff Rohrabacher
07-12-2007, 6:56 PM
I hate when this happens.

I made this cone geometry on my little router miller thingieamabob

Pre glue up test fit - - -
It has little keys interlocking the whole thing together and it all fit seamlessly.
Twas a ting 'o beauty, twas.

router miller thingieamabob with one of the pieces getting it's compound angles cut.

And when I was routing the cone to size (about a third in the middle was what I wanted) it got caught and slammed and shattered beyond use.

I hate when that happens.

Scott Rollins
07-12-2007, 9:05 PM
I like your version of the Multirouter!! I was considering making one myself after I successfully built my own Woodrat. Which works perfectly without any of the joggle problems of the real thing. Mine uses a piece of 1" linear rail I pulled from the scrap bin at work (large CNC machine shop) as the travelling bar. I still have about 8 bearings and 30+ feet of rail. I'll try to post a pic.

Cliff Rohrabacher
07-12-2007, 10:13 PM
Looks way cool~!! Wish I could see it better.