View Full Version : Glue that will help act as a wood filler

Steven Bolton
07-12-2007, 5:37 PM

Is there a good glue for filling wood nail holes? In other words, I would put glue in a nail hole and the fill it with saw dust from the same wood. But I wouldn't want the glue to show.

Any ideas are appreciated.

Steve Bolton

Larry Fox
07-12-2007, 5:42 PM
Steven, you are never going to be able to hide the hole 100%. One thing you might try (depending on the size of the hole) is to work up some dust "near-by" and put some CA glue in there and work the dust in. Work it in well and hit it with the catalyst to set it and sand it flush.

This will do just ok - not great though as this works better for cracks.

Maybe try a burn-in stick but, again, I don't think that anything is going to get you there 100%. How visible the patch is will also depend on what type of wood you are using and your finish.

Ian Welford
07-12-2007, 6:09 PM
Depending on where they are you could try making a small dowel ( either turning it or whittling it). Then put glue on the dowel and insert that to make it look like a small knot?

You can make filler from cascamite and wood dust and fill the hole then sand it once set hard but any finish will not take to the hole so it may stand out.

The CA glue can also do this by staining the area round about.