View Full Version : Sassafras

Rex Guinn
07-12-2007, 3:27 PM
Yesterday my brother and I went out to see the largest Osage Orange, but it turned out to be a Sassafras67848 67849tree in the world according to the owner. It's on highway 32 east about 20 miles from Lebanon, MO.

He said it was in the Guinness Book, but I could not find it. Anyone else know of a larger one?

Matt Haus
07-12-2007, 3:42 PM
looks like it might have some burls at the bottom

Quinn McCarthy
07-12-2007, 3:47 PM
Why don't I see a chain saw in your hands?

Record trees information I think are kept by AMerican Forestry Association.


charlie knighton
07-12-2007, 4:57 PM
sasafrass is probably my favorite wood to turn:D

is the tree coming down? or did yall just go see it?

Kevin Day
07-12-2007, 6:42 PM
check this out


largest hedge tree ion america

Dale Stagg
07-13-2007, 6:15 PM
That would make a lot of Sassafras tea also (from the roots). The dryed leaves also make Gumbo File (pronounced feelay from us southern cajans).
Everything good on those trees.