View Full Version : Mobile base for 15" Open End Wide Belt sander

Jameel Abraham
07-12-2007, 11:22 AM
What does one do for this? I don't see them available anywhere...

Am I going to have to weld something?

James Kuhn
07-12-2007, 8:33 PM
HTC does make one for the Bridgewood (HSQ-2171) and Sunhill (HSH-2106) 15" models, as well as powermatic 16" (HSO-2820). Otherwise they make custom ones if you send them all the info. Not sure about pricing...

I guess you finally chose a sander?:cool:

John Renzetti
07-12-2007, 8:35 PM
hi, I put the Zambus AC300S casters on my Northstate WB. Here's some pictures from a previous thread.
take care,

Jameel Abraham
07-12-2007, 9:09 PM
Thanks James and John.

I decided on the Grizzly. The price was good and I couldn't pay the extra dough for the Northstate or PM. I actually wanted the Bridgewood, but they are out, and Curt Wilke told me that it was made in the same factory as the Grizzly, so I went with it. The Sunhill was the same price basically but it just uses a drum, whereas the Grizzly uses a drum and platen--better I think for my purposes. The base looks different and I'm not sure the Zambus casters would work. I'll have to wait till I get the machine to see. I like the HTC bases, so it will probably come down to price. Those caster look expensive!

Jameel Abraham
10-26-2007, 6:37 PM
Well, I finally got around to rearranging the shop a little and the need to move this sander arose at about noon today. Of course I couldn't buy a mobile base locally, don't have welding equipment or the know-how, and procrastinated the whole idea of a mobile solution in general. Sometimes that pays off though.

Decided to take a look at the Harbor Freight website and see how much capacity their flat mover's dollies could handle. To my surprise many of them handle 1000lbs plus. I picked up the one pictured for about $60. And it has a capacity of 1200lbs., that's almost 400 over my 815lb sander. There is a bit of bowing at the back of the sander where the footprint doesn't quite land right over the casters like at the front, but a chunk of 4x4 driven in once it finds it's place in the shop should ally any worries. Not like I'll be moving this thing around---the mobile base is so I CAN move it when I need to. The best part of all was the dolly ended up being exactly the same height as the pallet the sander was sitting on, so all I had to do was lock the casters on the dolly and slide the sander right over. Okay, it took a bit of huffing and puffing, but 250lbs. of body english can accomplish a lot. Thanks for looking. This thing rolls around the shop now like nothing!