View Full Version : Thanks for the help, with pics

Greg Crawford
07-11-2007, 10:38 PM
Several weeks ago I posted about my dad's old Stanley Handyman. The responses were great, especially about understanding the sentimental value. A couple of updates, my mom said my dad got the plane from his dad, so it's actually my grandpa's! Other update is I took the great advice on sharpening and tuning, and I have a plane that does a pretty good job. You can see from the pics that I made a few shavings, then, just for fun, I chamfered the board. I hadn't hand chamfered with a plane since around 1971 in Jr. High shop. Of course, since I have all the sharpening paraphernalia, I'll have to get more planes.

Thanks again.

Jeffrey Larsen
07-11-2007, 10:54 PM
Cool indeed!

I have just gotten into the plane thing. About 31 years ago, when I was 9, I was all into wanting to build stuff with wood. Given a rather humble upbringing (often no electricity and no running water and no tv until I was 19!) I couldn't afford much. I have an old back saw that I bought back then for 5$. I have some clock cases that I made box joints for back then. I had a saw, a cheap miter box, a hammer and nails, a little finishing oil somebody gave me, an old chisel and that was it.

Then the next 30 years past and I haven't had time to do anything--college, medical school, surgical training, and so on. I am a gun collector, so I thought I would build some racks to put the guns in. I bought a few tools to do that with including a plane a 39$ number four from lowes and immediately became fascinated again. For the past few months have really been getting into it--don't have any old family tools like you, but have stocked up on old planes that I have been rehabbing--haven't thought much about the guns since I started sharpening plane and chisel blades!

The stuff going on on your bench looks just like my basement--gotta love those neat shavings! Keep us updated! Regards, Jeff