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View Full Version : WELLLLL that didn't work.

Chris Rosenberger
07-11-2007, 9:03 PM
I have had a central vacuum system installed in my shop for several years. I have had problems with filter clogging & the suction dropping.
I decided to get one of the mini cyclones to install in the system. I got a heavy walled 20 gallon fiber drum for a collection bin. It worked for about 2 minutes. I didn't know it had that much suction. I am going to have to find a steel drum.

Cliff Rohrabacher
07-11-2007, 9:11 PM
Measure the outside of the drum. Divided it up so you get a number representing every single little square inch on the entire surface area.

Multiply that number by 14 OK be fair make it 10 - or - 12

That's how many pounds are pushing against the walls of the drum.

Even a steel drum may need support if you are going to dead head it by closing all your blast gates while running the pump.

Gary Keedwell
07-11-2007, 9:39 PM
Hey, the two Cliffs post on the same thread.:rolleyes: I always get you two mixed up:confused:
I have absolutely nothing to offer this thread.:eek: Just an imbecilic observation.:D

Gary K.

Brian Parker
07-11-2007, 9:54 PM
Ok I'll be the first to say it.... man your vac sucks! (yes it may be a bit corny but others were thinking it)

Bob Feeser
07-11-2007, 10:57 PM
This reminds me of the high school physical science class. They took a one gallon metal can, put a little water on the bottom, boiled the water, then sealed the top and let it cool. The atmospheric pressure makes it look like the drum in the photo.
Sorry for the crushing commentary:)

Jim Dunn
07-11-2007, 11:09 PM
Are you sure you didn't wet the drum to help hold down the dust???:)

I use my wife's central vac system for general cleanup around the shop and it does a wonderful job. I don't think I'll try the cyclone trick though!

Mike Heidrick
07-11-2007, 11:34 PM
I just got a 55 gallon drum and two 30 gallon drums - all heavy plastic from a car wash place locally. That idea was recommended to me by some woodnetters. My want to try that avenue.

Chris Rosenberger
07-12-2007, 12:38 AM
I got a steel 55 gallon drum. Because of were the vacuum is located I had to cut the height of the drum down to 20 inches tall. After I cut it down I split a hose & siliconed it to the top of the drum for a seal. Tomarrow I will give it a try again.

Jim Becker
07-12-2007, 1:06 AM
Interesting. Even my commercial type cyclone system doesn't crush it's 55 gallon fiber drum!

Greg Funk
07-12-2007, 1:17 AM
Interesting. Even my commercial type cyclone system doesn't crush it's 55 gallon fiber drum!
That's because large dust collectors are high volume (1200 cfm) but low pressure (7-14") whereas central vacs are low volume (150 cfm) but high pressure (150").


Mike Langford
07-12-2007, 1:58 AM
Hey, the two Cliffs post on the same thread.:rolleyes: I always get you two mixed up:confused:
I have absolutely nothing to offer this thread.:eek: Just an imbecilic observation.:D

Gary K.

Ummmmm Gary, Don't look now but one guy is named Chris.......and the other guy's name is Cliff........Time to take your meds! ;)

Richard Keller
07-14-2007, 7:00 PM
That's because large dust collectors are high volume (1200 cfm) but low pressure (7-14") whereas central vacs are low volume (150 cfm) but high pressure (150").


Also because on a commercial system, the drum is on the outlet, not the inlet, with the pressure coming from the inside of the drum (which it was designed for) instead of from the outside (which it was not designed for)


Chris Rosenberger
07-14-2007, 9:59 PM
Also because on a commercial system, the drum is on the outlet, not the inlet, with the pressure coming from the inside of the drum (which it was designed for) instead of from the outside (which it was not designed for)


Richard not all commercial systems have the drum on the outlet side. I have 2 large cyclone systems that have the drums on the inlet side.

Also, the steel drum is working great on the central vacuum system.

frank shic
07-14-2007, 11:32 PM
chris, great title... even BETTER picture! :D