View Full Version : Finish for Walnut Bowl

Clancy Courtney
07-11-2007, 4:03 PM
I have completed turning a claro walnut bowl and hope to get some recommendations on a finish. So far I have only used wipe on gel polyurethane on a few of amdosia maple and cherry bowls. It seems this wood derserves more attention. Help
Thanks for any suggestions,

Mike Vickery
07-11-2007, 4:09 PM
Personally I think Walnut needs some kind of an oiling to look its best.

If it is to be used for food I would use Tried and True original formula it is a BLO Beeswax mix. Several other options that is just what I use.
If not for food use I would probably use Watco Danish oil (just my preference). If you are comfortable with the Gel poly you might want to give it a once over with BLO let it dry over night and then finish like normal. I assume the Gel poly is oil based so it should be compatible.

Bernie Weishapl
07-11-2007, 4:42 PM
Clancy on the walnut I turn I use either Minwax Antique Oil or Watco Danish Oil. Once I have couple of coats on I let it set for min 72 hrs and since I am working I leave it for the week. I then come back and give it from 2 to 5 coats of lacquer.

Frank Kobilsek
07-11-2007, 4:57 PM

I'm a big fan of Mike Mahoney's Walnut oil if its to be used for food. If for show and shine Minwax Antique Oil is my current favorite.

I usually try to stick to locally available finishes. Just so I don't get stuck empty. My local hardware store owner has just committed to start carrying Waterlox for me, so now I can try it. Fellow club members get big shine with Waterlox.


Gary Herrmann
07-11-2007, 7:02 PM
I used General Finishes salad bowl finish for the walnut bowl I made a few months back.

John Shuk
07-12-2007, 11:36 AM
I like BLO topped with garnet shellac. I actually like the way walnut mellows with the years.

Clancy Courtney
07-13-2007, 8:17 AM
Thanks for everyone's advice.