View Full Version : I made the Top 20

Dr. Zack Jennings
03-02-2003, 8:04 AM
I came in at 18th on the most postings list this morning. I need to get a life outside of the internet, spend more time in the shop, move to a trailer park in gEorgia or somthin'. <p>

Well: Good Mornin' Sawmill Creek How many of you loafers are still in bed? Get your butts up and go start a fire in the woodstove. It's still Winter in Arkansas and it's been a dandy........<p>

I hope you boys aren't gonna waste the Lord's day and git nothin dun. Peacock's gonna want a full report on your week end accomplishments. No fair dippin' into your pitcher file and runnin' one of last years projects by us. <p>
I'm headin' for the shop right after my visit to the coffee shop. Gonna whittle sum more on my new storage cabinet. I hope you boys git sick of hearin' about it before I'm through. [ Are you begining to see how a great mind works, here] <p>
Anyway Git out of Bed You Loafers If you ain't sick, go make some sawdust.

Ken Salisbury
03-02-2003, 8:12 AM

"I came in at 18th on the most postings list this morning."

With that and 50¢ you can get a cup of coffee at the Greasy Spoon.

Herb Blair
03-02-2003, 8:25 AM
Dang-it Doc,
You make me envious. The picture of the wood heater in your shop that is. Of course, it's not cold enough here to have anything like that, but I can dream.. hi hi.
I just came in from the shop. Too early to make noise or SWMBO will give me a ration.

Phil Phelps
03-02-2003, 9:00 AM
The golf course is a bog and it's forty five degrees !!!! Perfect. :p

Rod Peterson
03-02-2003, 9:43 AM
<i><font color="blue">but I can dream.. hi hi.

Do I detect a ham radio accent? I've never seen <i>hi, hi</i> used outside of that context.



Terry Hatfield
03-02-2003, 9:43 AM

I've been up since 6:30!!!! I got too much to do to be loafin'!!!!

Now...out top the shop!!!!


Todd Burch
03-02-2003, 10:01 AM
OK, it's Sunday. I don't want to see ANY tool usage until y'all get back home from Church.

Off to Bible study.... Todd.

Jim Izat
03-02-2003, 10:41 AM
Hey Doc,

Where is the top twenty?


Gary Hern
03-02-2003, 1:17 PM
I was up and about at 5:05 this morning. Lit the woodstove and the keroseen heater this morning before my coffee. Was back out to the shop by 5:45 making sawdust and restoking the woodstove. Came in about the time you folks were crawling out of bed and made the wife and kids biscuits and sausage gravy, before heading back out to pull the drive shaft out of the 96 Ford to replace the rear U-Joint. Needed a refill of Java and thought I'd see if anything was up here, then see this. Doc, my woodstove isn't as pretty as yours! LOL

Gary (Who looks forward to his days starting since becoming self employed!)

Howard Barlow
03-02-2003, 1:44 PM
Originally posted by Rod Peterson
<i><font color="blue">but I can dream.. hi hi.

Do I detect a ham radio accent? I've never seen <i>hi, hi</i> used outside of that context.



Or Sweden or Finland. Gotta feed my face then finish my subpanel.

Herb Blair
03-02-2003, 2:18 PM
Ham Radio, of course.

Herb K5AT