View Full Version : The promised gloat

Rick Huelsbeck
07-11-2007, 7:47 AM
I ride the bus to work here in downtown Louisville and most of us know each other on there. One of the ladies I ride with came up to me yesterday morning and asked if I would be interested in getting some wood from a tree someone in her neighborhood had cut down. Well how many of you would have said anything but "YES", especially since it was a large Cherry tree:D Well the girlfriend has been wanting me to make her a large salad bowl and thank god I got this wood, or I may have lost the first bowl I turned on my new 1236. I'll be testing the outboard turning on it at some point in the next few days :D

07-11-2007, 8:18 AM
Nice gloat. It sure looks like walnut to me though. Maybe not but it seems dark for cherry.

Rick Huelsbeck
07-11-2007, 8:28 AM
They have green wood sealer on them so they seem darker than they really are.

Clem Wixted
07-11-2007, 8:40 AM
... I would say that it's not cherry, at least not the cherry that I'm used to seeing.

Nich catch whatever wood it is.


Bernie Weishapl
07-11-2007, 1:32 PM
Nice haul and gloat Rick. Can't wait to see the bowl.

Kevin Day
07-11-2007, 10:00 PM
looks like mulberry to me i can take some pics of a tree i have looks the same

mulberry is a cousin to osage orange and the wood is yellow colored when fresh cut
and dries to a yellow/orange burns good and turns good

Bill Blasic
07-12-2007, 6:52 AM
I agree that it is Mulberry.

Rick Huelsbeck
07-12-2007, 7:35 AM
:o It was a nice creamy red color when I picked it up, and I was told that it was cherry, but what do I know about tree's, I'm a computer programmer who only got into this last Oct. But now that I've had time to look up the tree online you are most likely correct that it is mullberry. I've seen lots of stuff done with mulberry and they look beautiful. Still can't wait to get a hunk cut off and on the lathe. :D

Steve Schlumpf
07-12-2007, 8:34 AM
Rick, whatever the wood is - it sure is going to look great as a bowl! Looking forward to seeing the end result!