View Full Version : Crotch question

Mike Vickery
07-11-2007, 1:56 AM
I have not worked much in crotches before and I know I have seen some beautiful crotch pieces here. I read some where from an experienced turner that on crotch and figured piece he usually turns them bark up (top of the bowl). He said that you end up with smaller peices but better figure. What is you guys take on this?

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Steve Trauthwein
07-11-2007, 7:33 AM

I have not done dozens of crotch pieces (wish I had that much) but I have done a few. What has worked for me is to examine the piece from both sides and take in consideration what will be cut out and what will be left. I might sacrifice some size in order to center the best feathering.

Regards, Steve

Dick Strauss
07-11-2007, 9:30 AM
I would agree with the advice given. You should turn it bark side up if you want to keep the feather figure of the crotch in the bottom of the bowl. If you don't, you end up turning away most if not all of the pretty figure from the crotch.

You can also turn hollow forms using the center crotch as the top surface. In this case I stagger the figure to one side so it is continuous across the top of the piece and not interrupted by the center hole.

Good luck,

Mike Vickery
07-11-2007, 11:54 AM
Thanks guys I appreciate the advice.
Still interested in hearing others take on this.

Unfortunately several of the crotches while having a pretty wide diameter do not have much height. So it looks like they will be very shallow bowls or platters

Bernie Weishapl
07-11-2007, 12:54 PM
Mike makes some winged bowls with them. I have did a few and all have turned out pretty well. Bill Grumbine shows how to do them in his new DVD.

Jim Stoppleworth
07-11-2007, 3:13 PM
I've done several winged bowls with crotch wood. Same as with square bowls keep fingers, knuckles, etc., on the right side of the tool rest and you should have no problems. You save most of the figure that way. People tell me they are striking pieces, guess that's what keeps me turning them.
