View Full Version : Crown Turning Chisels

Craig Carpenter
07-07-2007, 12:54 AM
After a long absence from turning, I have decided to pick it up once again. I came across an 8 piece box of Crown Turning Chisels that look to have been used maybe once. All pieces are still sharp as new. They really look like a high quality set of chisels.
The markings on the handles say, "Crown Tools, Sheffield England,HSS"
I have found their website but cannot find their worth anywhere when googling. I have the box, not the display. I had to haul off a real bad 1/2hp cheesy wood lathe (working) to be able to get the tools. I gave $100 for the set of 8. Did I come out ok?

First post on this forum, plan on reading alot of past posts to garner some knowledge. I've never turned a bowl, but am amazed at the artistic talent of the posters here at SM.

Thanks for your time!

Ken Fitzgerald
07-07-2007, 1:33 AM
Craig.....Welcome to the Creek!

I just did a search and couldn't find an 8 piece Crown set but if you go to Packard woodworks or CSUSA you can find out what the price for each individual tools is. Crown has a pretty good reputation and it sounds like you got a very good deal!

Tim Malyszko
07-07-2007, 7:06 AM
For what it's worth, Rockler currently has a set of 5 crown turning tools for $125. Based on that price, I'd say you did pretty good since you walked away with 8 for $100. I don't have any Crown Turning tools, but do have a few Crown Hand Tools and have been very satisfied with them.

Enjoy the new tools.

Bernie Weishapl
07-07-2007, 9:07 AM
Craig welcome to SMC. I think you did pretty well on those. I found the same set as Tim.

Curt Fuller
07-07-2007, 9:43 AM
Welcome aboard Craig. The way I see it, the average price for almost any turning chisel that's HSS is $45-$75. Crown tools are pretty good tools in my opinion. So if you got 8 of them for $100 then you got a good buy. And the cheezy lathe that came with them could be set up for buffing or doing pens or something that doesn't require a real sturdy machine. So that's a bonus actually. You mentioned that the tools were all "still sharp as new". New tools seldom come sharpened very sharp nor are they ground to the best grind for getting the best cut from them. Learning to sharpen the tools is as critical as learning to use them.

Craig Carpenter
07-07-2007, 12:41 PM
All I know is that each of them seemed to be used one time. The piece of work he was playing with was still mounted in the lathe! And all eight pieces seem sharp. Got the newel job this morning by telling the boss I could have newels on the job by Thursday if we could find the Lumber on Monday. Anyone know where I can pick up some 10/4 Hard Maple on the quick? I'll drive from the Tulsa area to get it if it's close enough.

Bill Wyko
07-07-2007, 1:54 PM
You did great on the tools. Almost all of mine are Crown and they are top quality. FYI they also make a series called PRO PM, those are made with a process using powder metal and they stay sharp for a very long time. Good luck. If you don't like them I'll take them off your hands for a C note.:D

Jude Kingery
07-07-2007, 1:57 PM
Ditto Bill on that, for you, Craig; I also own both Crown and Henry Taylor HSS tools and am very pleased (anything out of Sheffield's gonna be good quality), you got a great deal! Enjoy! Jude