View Full Version : Japan trees (wood)

Doug Jones
01-15-2004, 6:54 PM
Does anyone know what type of trees grow in Japan? Wanted to turn a pen or two in a Japanese wood.

Ace Karner
01-15-2004, 7:04 PM
how about japanese maple

Rod Torgeson
01-15-2004, 7:14 PM
Doug...I have some Japanese Pagoda that I got a few years back from I believe Hut or Craft Supplies. I made a slimline pen and pencil set from the wood and gave it to a Japanese co-worker of mine. This was probably in 1996 or 1997. I have not made anything from the wood since. I guess it is time. I think I got like a ten pack of blanks or something like that. If I remember it turn out pretty well. A couple of weeks back I got an e-mail from my friend and he said he is still using the pen and pencil set. Hope this helps. Rod in Appleton, WA

Kevin Gerstenecker
01-15-2004, 7:18 PM
Doug, Japan is most famous for it's Cherry Trees. It has been said that almost 1/4 of the trees in Japan are Cherry Trees. I know the Cherry Tree, Yoshino, is popular there as well as in our Country. They also have many Conifer Trees in Japan as well.............that is where the ancient art of Bonsai got it's start, and most of the excellent Bonsai Specimens you see are Conifers, or in the Conifer Family. I would have to refer to some of my reference material for more species native to Japan........let me know if you need more information, I will have time to dig it up this weekend...............but if you want to use an Ornamental Cherry Wood, such as Yoshino, that shouldn't be too hard to find.

Todd Burch
01-15-2004, 7:24 PM
Paulonia, and of course everbody's favorite, bamboo!

Terry Quiram
01-15-2004, 7:52 PM

Cherry is the first thing that comes to mind.


Dave Smith
01-15-2004, 10:04 PM
Bamboo is a grass not a tree.

Glenn Kiso
01-15-2004, 10:50 PM
A very popular wood used in many of the traditional temples in Japan is Hinoki. Known here in the states as Port Orford Cedar. Many of the logs in the Pacific Northwest are cut and sent to Japan. Even procuring port orford cedar in the states can be difficult. It is a softwood, but the smell and feel of this wood is incredibly nice.

Wolf Kiessling
01-16-2004, 3:00 PM
Does anyone know what type of trees grow in Japan? Wanted to turn a pen or two in a Japanese wood.

He, he, he..... make it an itty bitty little pen and call it a Bonzai....

(should I be ashamed of myself?)


Paul Downes
01-16-2004, 3:16 PM
Does anyone know what type of trees grow in Japan? Wanted to turn a pen or two in a Japanese wood.
There is one Japanese tree you should stay away from Doug. I don't remember the name, but it is the tree they make black lacquer from. This is made by heating the resen, which until it gets cooked and filtered is very similar to poison sumac. That might make for a rather yucky turning session. :(