View Full Version : Thumbs up for Rockler's customer service.

Jimmy Newman
07-05-2007, 1:52 PM
I just thought I would post this because I was impressed - Rockler recently was having a sale on the original version of the Incra jig that they have Incra make for them. It was about half off. Anyway, when I got to the checkout with it, the guy who was checking me out said that he though the boxes were all missing the instructional DVD's - he checked mine, and sure enough, no DVD. He went over and checked the rest of the boxes they had in stock, and none of them had DVD's either. He took down my name and phone number and said that he would get the DVD's from Rockler's support office and give me a call when it got in - probably less than a week.

About a week and a half later, I hadn't really been thinking about it but was about to call in and check up on it, when I got a call from the Rockler store - Rockler's support office hadn't had any of the DVD's either and they'd had to get some from Incra, but they'd gotten them in and there'd be one waiting for me next time I came in the store. Sure enough, I came in the next day, asked about it, and got handed the DVD. I figured I'd pass this along.

Pat Germain
07-05-2007, 2:01 PM
My experience with Rockler has also been very postive.

I get the impression Ann Rockler-Jackson is a great CEO. Other CEOs should follow her lead.

Larry James
07-05-2007, 9:07 PM
I just thought I would post this because I was impressed - Rockler...


Only problem I've had with a Rockler order was a drop-ship center mount pantry pullout. Three shipments before their supplier got it correct.

I have a "Best Customers" 15% discount letter from Rockler on my desk and I'm making a list... :)

I'll abide by the TOS and resist the urge to say who is on my "worst supplier" list.
